Chapter 17

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Warning: this chapter contains strong language, detailed gore and shocking scenes.

Here is a quick summary if you don't want to read the detailed chapter:
Hannah wakes up in her cell and she's perfectly healed. Leon retrieves her from the cell and leads her through the corridors. She's trying to make him answer her questions of why she's here but she's met with silence. They're back in the torture room and Leon got orders to shave off her hair, strip her down and cover her in bandages from bottom to top. After she's sedated and tied to a bench she wakes up notice  a 'friends with benefits' kind of connection between Leon and the deer lady; Janet. Ted enters the room and starts torturing Hannah brutally with no room for breaks. She's so brutally injured at the end that even Ted looses interest and orders Leon to knock her out. 

When I wake up, I notice that my missing fingernails are perfectly fine. I can distinctly remember the pain when Ted ripped them out, however, weirdly enough, I feel healthy. I look at my surroundings and notice I'm in a dark cell, the stereotypical one with concrete walls and floor with a metal door that has a hatch and a small window in it. There's a stained, smelly, old mattress that I woke up on and a bucket in the corner. Thoughts in my head starts racing, they said I was back in Hell. My stomach churns and I feel nauseous by the thought. I hear footsteps approaching from the corridors. I jog silently to the small window and notice Leon stopping by my cell. I jot and sprint back to the mattress in fear. Leon opens the small hatch and orders me, 'Place your hands through here.' Hesitantly, I rise and does his bidding. As he places a pair of handcuffs on my wrists he says 'Move a bit so that I can come and get you. And no tricks!' I do as he says, and he close the hatch and open the door.

I stand in the middle of the room and wait. Leon enters, approaches, walks behind me, and shoves me forward. As we walk through the corridors, I ask, 'Where are we going?' I get no answers, so I try again 'What are you going to do with me?' still no answers. Anxiety builds up and my legs feel weak. I can hear the shackles clanging as my hands, unwillingly, shiver with the rest of my body as we continue to walk through the corridors in complete silence.

We enter a room with noise cancelling wall panels. In the middle there's a chair and two metal benches, one of them is filled with tools, another is empty. Panicked and without a thought I turn to flee, but Leon's behind me and quickly grabs my shoulders and turn me around. Trying to breathe and calm down, I notice, to my horror that we're alone in the room. What is he going to do to me? Leon closes the door behind him and leads me into the middle of the room, closest to the chair. He locates a scissor on the bench with the tools, the kind that ambulance personnel use to cut open clothes with. He walks over to me with it, turn me against him and stares at me. Tears swell in my eyes as I repeat my question 'What are you going to do to me?' Still no answer... He grabs a hold of the bottom of my shirt and starts to cut it open. The feeling of everything personal out in view is humiliating and I whimper as he continues to cut the sleeves of my shirt. He rips the clothes of my upper body, and the cold temperature of the room makes me shiver. He continues to cut through all my nether clothes until there's nothing left other than skin. He gestures me towards the chair and commands, 'Sit down.' I walk over to the chair, tears still flowing silently, and sit. He walks over to the bench of tools and locates an electric shaver and returns. He pushes a button on the machine, and it starts to buzz. He shaves my hair into a buzzcut. It falls to the ground and sticks onto my wet cheeks. As he's done, he locates a small brush and a rag. After, he cleans my face and brush away the hair on my naked shoulders. Still without a word, he walks out of the room, locks it and I'm alone in the room, quietly whimpering.

After a few minutes, I hear a clanging noise from the door and Leon reenters with a broom and tray as well as a pack of bandages. He places the bandages on the tool bench but keeps the broom and tray and starts sweeping my hair of the floor. After he's finished, he places the broom and tray in a corner and retrieves the bandages. As he walks over with the bandages, his eyes focus on opening the product while his hand gestures a 'rise' movement. He orders, 'Stand up.' Terrified, I do as he says. He starts to cover my ankle with bandages and continues to do so for a while until my body is covered from feet till neck. When he's finished, he mumble, 'turn around' I follow his order, turn and without any warning, I feel a small sting of pain in my neck.  Perplexed, I turn and see Leon standing with a syringe. My vision becomes blurry, and unconsciousness grasps me.


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