Intermission: Ink Stained Eclipse

Start from the beginning

Everything went pretty smoothly from there. She was finally being recognized as talented. She was being seen! Finally, she could do whatever she wanted without restraint. She even had a chance to make friends! She met a cool first year from Heartslabyul named Cater, who was her lab partner, and she had the chance to meet Malleus Draconia in the flesh...! He was wandering around her dorm and she nearly blasted a chunk of ice at his head. It was an odd first meeting, but he was surprisingly nice to talk to.

He would show up at odd hours of the night, asking questions. She would answer them, then ask a few of her own. He liked to talk about gargoyles.

There was also Trey, who Cater would occasionally drag along with them on shopping trips and such. He was quiet, but fairly nice, all things considered. Cater often joked that he had a talent for making friends with people wearing glasses.

Her grade was also unreasonably full of famous people. She thought meeting Malleus was unbelievable, but the first year class had no shortage of celebrities. She managed to catch a glance of Vil Schoenheit in the halls once. The most unexpected thing for her though, was that she ended up getting spelldrive lessons from Leona Kingscholar, of all people.

She was having a rough day, and ended up complaining about her sister in vague terms to him once, and since then, he'd given her tips and hung around her more often. She'd cook for him in return, and let him use her dorm to nap. It was nice.

If only it lasted.

Everything came crashing down on the day of the VDC.

She hadn't expected her to be there. She hadn't expected to be recognized. But there she was. She didn't understand why Marie was crying. She only felt horror as her name was called out. She felt numb shock as her sister embraced her. It only took one glance at Cater to know it was over. His look of betrayal cut deep into her heart.

She pushed her sister to the ground and ran off. She glanced over at Cater one more time. He looked away. Her heart shattered. It was over. It was only a matter of time before she lost everything.

Her sister followed her. She followed her all the way back to NRC. All the way back to her dorm. She told Ellinor how worried she was and asked her to come home. Ellinor didn't want to go home. This was her home. Now, she had no home. No home, no friends, all because of Marie. EVERYTHING was always because of Marie. She lost everything to Marie. Again. She lost AGAIN. Why couldn't she ever win?!

She didn't want to see her sister anymore. She didn't want her to exist anymore. Marie should just disappear. She should have never come.

She fought her. She activated Silly Symphony and spat venom. A crowd started to gather. Marie still wouldn't go down. She turned Ellinor's hatred into a duet, trying to reason with her. Ellinor didn't want to listen.

The final nail in the coffin was when the headmage showed up. He commanded her to stop, to retract her magic, and to leave the island peacefully. He lied to the crowd, claiming he had no idea she was truly Ellinor Oswald. He told them she would not be attending classes any longer.

She had nothing left to lose.

Nobody was on her side. Nobody wanted her. She would rather die than go back to that house. She would rather......

Well. You know what they say about a girl who has nothing to lose.

She expanded the range of Silly Symphony. As far as it would go, then even further. She sang of bloody revenge, sharpening her ice and launching them at her doppelgänger. Nothing could stop her. No one could stop her. Power and despair mixed into a horrible concoction of ink.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2023 ⏰

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