2-5 Genocide

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Everyone- Almost everyone gathered by the elevator

Monokuma appeared "Ahem, so...is everyone ready to--whaaat!?" He quickly looked around "Am I blind, or are we missing someone?"

"Yeah, Toko's not here." Mondo told him

"And Toko is...?"

"You really don't remember...?" Hiro asked

"Kidding! I'm just kidding. How could I forget that little nutjob? She's a crucial part of the class trial this time! Okie dokie, I'll go ahead and drag her out here kicking and screaming. Just one moment, please!" he disappeared, then a few minutes later came back, literally dragging Toko behind him

"Nng...ghh... I t-told him I didn't want to, but...h-he forced me! I can't believe you would d-drag a girl around... Terrible...! You're t-terrible!" Toko screamed

Monokuma looked around the room again "Hmmm, something still feels off..."

"Quill still isn't here" Makoto said

"Wh- Damn birdbrain! I just talked to him too! If he thinks he can just laze around-"

"Stop yelling" Quill spoke from behind him

"Uwah!" apparently his entrance was quiet enough to scare Monokuma, which he was oddly proud off "Don't sneak up on your headmaster like that! Whatever, Everyone get on the elevator!" and he was gone

As soon as everyone was in, the elevator started its descent, taking the 12 students back to the courtroom, with two more stands filled with pictures that were crossed out instead of live people

"What do you think? I redecorated! Isn't it so fresh? Isn't it so EXCITING!?" Monokuma asked. the courtroom was a bit different; the blue walls now being a golden color tile pattern

"Don't waste our time with stupid questions. Let's get this over with." Byakuya said

"Good, good, you're rip-raring to go! Gotta say, I don't hate it! Not at all! Okay then, let's get this show on the road! Everyone, please find your assigned seats!"

⋟Class Trial⋑

🗦All Rise!🗧

"Let's begin with a basic explanation of the class trial! So, your votes will determine the results. If you can figure out "whodunnit" then only they will receive punishment. But if you pick the wrong one... Then I'll punish everyone besides the blackened, and the one that deceived everyone else will graduate! Okay then, so first off... Let's talk about the murder weapon!"

Sakura started "Chihiro's fatal injury... It appears it was a head wound."

"According to the Monokuma File, the killer used a 'blunt instrument,' but... What kind of 'blunt instru-"

Taka was cut off as Quill interjected "Dumbbell. It was obviously the dumbbell it was the only bloody 'blunt weapon' there, let alone it matched the wound"

"Yes, the wound on the victim's head is consistent with the shape of the dumbbell. As far as I'm concerned, there's no mistake and no room for doubt on this one." Kyoko confirmed

"You...looked at her head wound?" Hina was some mix between scared and disgusted

"Kyaaah! That's sooo creeeepy!" Hifumi screeched

"You do what you have to to get the information you need. This is a murder case" Quill stated bluntly

Byakuya decided to take over "If you don't mind, I will proceed from here. Let's move on to discussion of the culprit. Although, I believe the criminal behind this heinous act is already quite clear."

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