5-4 Guess Who

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"Whoa, Byakuya and Makoto showed up together!" Hiro said as the two walked past the red door

"Where the heck have you two been!?" Hina asked "You just disappeared without a word!"

"We were investigating, of course." Byakuya answered "How could you not figure that out by this point?"

"M-Makoto's ranked high enough for you guys to go off t-together...just the two of y-you...?" Toko grumbled

"What, are you jealous?" Hina turned to her

"Or...are you making up some kind of creepy fantasy for yourself?" Hiro added

"Stop talking and brace yourselves. He'll be here any second." Byakuya told them

They all stood there waiting for a minute... then two... then five... then ten...

"What's going on here? Why hasn't Monokuma shown up yet?" Byakuya wondered

"Maybe he died again...?" Hiro thought

"What should we do?" Hina asked "Should we keep waiting here, or...?"

"Or what!?" Monokuma appeared

"Jesus!" Hiro jumped

"Nyohoho! Did I scare you?"

"I demand an explanation!" Byakuya glared at him "Why did you waste my time and make me wait like that!?"

"What? I made you wait? You've got it all backwards. You're the ones making me wait!"

"...Huh?" Makoto reacted

"I'm waiting for everyone to arrive! We can't start till everyone's here, now can we?"

"What are you t-talking about...? Everyone is here. We've all been w-waiting for you." Toko said

"Puhuhu... Are you sure you aren't forgetting someone? Or two? But I've been waiting ten minutes now, so it's okay if I punish the ones making us all wait, right? If we all agree it's a violation, I'll arrange a punishment right now-!

"If it's us you're waiting for...We're here."  Kyoko's voice rang from behind them as she walked in

"We're here, without breaking any rules" followed by Quill

"K-Kyoko! Quill!" Makoto gasped

"Kyoko!? You're still alive!?" Hina ran up to her

"N-No...! That's a gh-gh-gh-ghost!" Hiro cowered

"Stop t-talking..." Toko grumbled

"If you wanna fight, do it at the class trial!" Monokuma interrupted "You need to save some of the fun for later, right?"

"But is it okay that there's no particular penalty for being late?" Byakuya questioned

"As said, no rule was broken, as such penalty cannot be applied" Quill explained

"You're so selfish... So spoiled! You're right. There's no penalty, officially. But I bet you'll be sorry later..." Monokuma threatened "No, I'll make sure you're sorry later...! Anyway, hustle your butts onto the elevator! I'll be just one step ahead of ya!" as per usual, he disappeared. As soon as he did everyone ran up to the two, more specifically Kyoko

"Kyoko...!" Makoto smiled

"So you really didn't die!?" Hina asked

"Of course I didn't die..." Kyoko told her

"Thank God! I'm so glad you're okay!"

"Perhaps, but that's not necessarily a good thing for us." Byakuya spoke

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