4-3 Divided

124 2 1

Day 18

Once again Makoto was the last to arrive at the dining hall. Hiro was the first to notice him "Ah, Makoto! Are you okay?"

"Huh? What do you mean...?"

"You were late, s-so...we were worried a-about you..." Toko told him

"What a dullard..." Byakuya insulted

"Toko? Byakuya? What are you doing here?" Makoto was surprised to see them since they were never here, save for Toko yesterday

Hina answered for them "They're 'taking refuge' here."


"Don't make that stupid face." Byakuya continued to insult "We have to protect ourselves against the mastermind's tool."

"The mastermind's...? Are you talking about Sakura!?"

"Yeah, hide from her in the place she usually goes every morning, real smart" Quill took the chance to mock Byakuya

Makoto suddenly noticed her absence "Huh...? Where is Sakura?"

"All I know is, if she were here, I wouldn't be." Byakua scoffed "The only reason I went out of my way to join the rest of you was as a safeguard against that threat."


Hina glared at Byakuya "Why...? Why do you hate her so much?"

"Isn't it obvious? Because this makes things unfair."


"The game should be fair to all players. The existence of a spy for the mastermind upsets that balance." Byakuya elaborated bitterly

"That's a stupid reason!" Hina shouted

"Stupid? This is a life-or-death game, is it not?"

"It IS stupid! You're a stupid idiot!"

"Before you get too far into your argument, maybe you should stop and think things through." Kyoko suggested "Why did the mastermind reveal that Sakura was the spy to us?

"They were getting revenge on her, right? Like Monokuma said, 'An eye for an eye.'"

"Its the motive." Quill corrected "Sure, revenge may be part of it, but its a low chance of revenge being the sole goal. Think about it, the goal of all of this is for us to suffer, giving our mastermind the despair they're after. Revealing this would cause confusion, suspicion, anger, fighting, etcetera. The more that evolves the closer it gets to... continuing the game, for lack of better terms. But don't let me stop you, by all means keep falling for this trap, keep the momentum of my study"

"Th-That's not what I'm trying to do. It's just... I mean...how can I get you guys to believe in Sakura again?"

"If she really can beat the mastermind like she said, that'd go a long way in my mind..." Hiro said

"I must admit, I am interested to see how she plans to do that" Quill added

"Idiots!" Hina yelled "You'd really ask her to do something so dangerous? What if something terrible happens to her!?"

"It wouldn't matter." Byakuya interjected


"If Sakura were to die, that's one less person for the mastermind to control. I have no problem with that."

"H-Hold on! Byakuya-!" Makoto tried to stop him

"In fact, if she did die, that would settle this entire issue, wouldn't it? It would put the whole problem to rest!" *SLAP* the sound of Hina slapping Byakuya echoed through the dining hall "What the hell...?"

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