"I won't laugh, I promise," Rachael nodded. She found everything funny when she was drunk, so hopefully she wouldn't break her promise.

Camila then stumbled out of the stall, yelling as she suddenly had the best idea. "Oooh! We should go skinny-dipping in the fountain outside."

"And get arrested? I think not." Amira might've been drunk, but she wasn't stupid.

"But it would be fun."

"Then you do it, and Rachael and I will bail you out of jail."

"Ugh, you're no fun," she frowned, stepping to the sink to wash her hands.

"Don't be salty, Camila. Not everyone wants a tainted record."

Once they were finished goofing around, they headed back to the bar once again. Amira took a seat on a stool and started sending Rowan pictures of herself. She also sent him a video of her bent over against the sink, shaking her ass. Her skirt barely covered anything, so Rowan had a full view of her lacy thong. Amira figured he would check his phone sometime soon since he always kept it close whenever she was out.

"The last round is on me." Camila tried to hand Amira another shot, but Amira wouldn't take it.

"Hell no. I'm done; I can't take another shot."

"Please, just one more."

"No, I'm already fucked up," she frowned, stuffing her phone into her small purse. It would be reckless of Amira to consume any more alcohol. Anything else would make her lose all of her coherence.

"I'd rather go dance."

And she did just that, attracting the attention of many heads around the room.

Within the next hour, they all took a Lyft back to Amira's apartment. Camila and Rachael were two horny ass individuals; they would not stop kissing and fondling one another. Their constant PDA made Amira feel like a third wheel.

"Stop," she whined. Camila then pulled away from Rachael and made a beeline for Amira.

"No." Amira lifted her hand to stop Camila, but Camila grabbed Amira's arm and tugged her forward. The action caused both of them to crumble to the floor.

"You dumb bitch," Amira laughed, slightly grimacing. "Keep your hands to yourself."

"But whyyyyy?" Camila slurred. "I miss touching you." She tried to kiss Amira, but Amira turned her head to evade it.

"No, Camila. Get up." Her limbs felt extremely heavy, so it was hard to push Camila off.

Camila then frowned and tried to kiss Amira again, but Rachael stepped in and began tugging Camila to her feet.

"It's just a kiss. I can't kiss you?"

"No," Amira huffed.

"It's not like Rowan would mind. We've done way worse."

"When I was single, yes, but now I don't do anything without speaking to him first."

"Ugh, you're so damn boring." Camila crossed her arms, suddenly irritated.

"And you're annoying as fuck." Amira didn't like the shift in Camila's tone.

Camila then mumbled something under her breath, but Amira was too busy trying to stand up to care. The effort she exerted had her feeling dizzy. Rachael was the least drunk out of the three, so she reached down to assist Amira.

Amira then cursed once she realized they had missed their floor. Now they had to wait for another rotation to get off.

And when the doors eventually opened, Amira was the first to stagger out.

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