We ordered spaghetti 🍝...because apparently that the best delicacy they have..

And with the way it looks..and the smell..it will definitely taste amazing..

And it did..

We talked..gisted..laughed..the air was nice..

This is what I needed..

Eat with Air..


We ordered some fine wine..After that we are heading back home..

"So guys..let's cheers to..I don't know..Air!" I said and we burst out laughing..and 🥂..

I had a sip of the wine..and ohh my..

"This is nicee" I said..

"Absolutely" Bella said..

I wanted to place down the wine..then mistakenly spilled it..on my dress

"Oh snap!" I exclaimed..

"Ouch..sorry" ivy said..

"Sorry..get that cleaned up" Bella said..

"Yeah sure.." I said standing up to look for the bathroom..

Eventually found one..and got it cleaned ...

Thank God..my dress was black..

The bathroom was located away from the dinning area..so it's kinda a long walk back..not so long..

I was heading back when I saw him..He was in a grey vest and a cream sweat pant

"Dean?" I called..

Okay..I have to stop seeing him..

"Selena.." He said coming over for..you know it..a hug..

I hugged him back

"Wow..a coincidence..?" I said..it sounded like a question more than a statement..

"Yeah..yeah..I'm glad I met you here.." He said.

"Really?" I said..I belive he came here because of me..looking for me

"Yeah..about that call..I know it must have startled you..I'm sorry" he apologised..

"Oh..don't worry about that" I said..my hand subconsciously touching his arm..

I definitely shouldn't have..

He smiled at me..and held my hand..

He looked deep into my eyes..with his cute blue eyes..

I smiled at him too..

"I love you.." He said so softly..I felt like jelly..

A blush crept up my cheeks..

Okay..what is wrong with you selena?

"You know how to flatter females..I persume" I said with a smile..

"Yeah.. natural born talent..but I'm not flattering you..I'm saying the truth" he said..his eyes wondering to my lips..

I gulped..

"Fuck..I have to tell you something" he said his eyes switched to my eyes..

"Okay..what's that?" I asked

"Uh..I'm someone.." He trailed off..

"Yeah..I can clearly see that"

"No..I mean..I'm not who..." He started but was cut short..because someone shot a gun..

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