Chapter 13

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Mr.jeon- you have live 4 past life but your love die at the end. No know the story. I only know the last story of your life. But your love and king of universe know your story about you past ³ life's . you should ask him at your mate birthday.

Twins - OK dad we will try *while eating silent and looking down*

In KIM mansion
Tae pov
When we all came back. I just ring the bell and me eomma came and hug me tightly and then meow meow hyungie too who was whining just like an cat. Then we gone inside our appa was working on laptop and i just go and hug him like an baby bear who hug his appa And my appa hug me back.
Rm- how was your tour sons?
Tae/yoongi- it was the best appa. *smile*
Tae - Appa , have you seen my concert, how is it?*pout*
Rm- yeah bear, i have seen. It is so nice.
Jin- it is so nice my bear * loving eye*
Jin -Now first eat your lunch then do some rest and go to your study because day after tomorrow is your both paper.
Tae- Eomma but that paper are so easy.
Yoongi- yeah eomma
Jin - if you don't want my flying slippers then do your study.
Tae - *gulp* yeah eomma we will study, yeah na hyung?
Yoongi - yeah eomma *gulp*
Jin - Now let's eat your lunch.i have make your both favorite milkshake and orange juice and beef bibimbap and kimbap
Both - thank you eomma for this *excited*
Jin- Now let's go and eat *smile*
Their food

i have make your both favorite milkshake and orange juice and beef bibimbap and kimbapBoth - thank you eomma for this *excited*Jin- Now let's go and eat *smile*Their food

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.


Beef bibimbap^^^*After they do some rest and then study*Tae POVI was thinking about both of my love

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Beef bibimbap^^^
*After they do some rest and then study*
I was thinking about both of my love. I just feel in love with them that no one can love them. I can't lost them like my past 4 life. Yes i know about my past life. I don't care if i die. I am not scared to die now too. If i have to sacrifice to myself for this world and them, i can do that. I have to study now or i will get a flying slippers from my eomma.
Author POV
Then he started studying his notes and after 1 he completed it.and he came downstairs and see someone who he knows who is Mrs.Jeon is there who is talking with her eomma.
Tae- Good evening aunt *while bowing*
Mrs. Jeon - i just came to talk about to you something.
Tae- you can talk with me anytime aunt
Mrs.jeon - After 2 weeks is your birthday ?
Tae- yes aunt *nod*
Mrs. Jeon- and you know who are your mate?
Tae- *silent for some second and then nodded while looking down*
Mrs.Jeon - who is your mate? *serious*
Tae- Your both sons *while looking down*
Mrs. Jeon - who u choose as an mate jungkook or jungguk?
Tae- sorry aunt but i can't tell you this now. Sorry for disrespecting you. *he just go to his room*
Mrs. Jeon - jin please ask him please who he choose, as i don't want to hurt my bunnies.
Jin - i know him he is more stubborn then everyone he will not tell me too. Sorry Mina.
Mrs.Jeon - i should go now jin.
Jin - bye Mina *hug her*
Mrs.jeon - bye jin *hug her back*
Author POV
Then he left to make the dinner while thinking about tae who will he choose and who will he broke his heart? But he can't question him because this is his 1st life important decision of his life which is important.
Aunt think i will choose on them.never i Can't choose them.i love both of them.i don't care about this society. My life is my decision and my army will support me forever.
Author POV
Then jin call everyone for dinner. Everyone came and tae normally chit chat while eating dinner but thinking about what happened today? But tae is thinking that they will take both of them. Because he loves both of them truly.
After day after tomorrow
In exam
Author POV
Today is personality test of everyone. Like there will be questions and they have to choose between 3 options. Tomorrow is horse riding race. Day after tomorrow is dance test ( ballet). Day after after tomorrow is...............(sorry i am lazy to write this sorry😅). In those one week, taeggukook became closer. Only jungkook and jungguk only smile widely, when they talk to taehyung.
After 1 weeks in taehyung birthday
In KIM mansion
After some minutes is my bear birthday. In some times 12 am and i make all decorations with the help of yoongi and rm and i have make a cake and my bear is slept at 10 pm only. So i have plans something for him. And i get some gift for him. And this night he will got his mate. I am so happy for him.
Yoongi- *whispering* eomma let's wake up him.
Jin- *whisper him back* OK my catty.
Yoongi- *whisper while whining* eomma i am not a cat
Jin- *chuckled* now let's go to wake him up

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