Because I'm Me! - Lil Grian + T.I.E.S (Hurt/Comfort :P)

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Two updates in one week?! What is this, 2021?!

This was requested by Daddy_Long_Leg_1! This was such an interesting request, I hope you like it!

The video linked is just to provide audio, because nothing I could ever write could compare to the pure quality angst that is this clip.

Warnings: Abandonment, being in a bad place mentally

Word Count: 1009 (woahh look at that!)


"No, it's not happening."

The hairs on the back of his neck bristled, and his feathers began to puff up defensively. Jimmy was following close behind him, snapping twigs on the forest floor. He could feel the tension.

"You can't just kill me like that, Grian!"

"I didn't kill you on pur- they left buttons on the floor, Jimmy!" His voice wavered, and he felt something bubbling inside of him.

"And why did you press them!" Jimmy yelled.


Jimmy fell silent, and Joel froze.

Grian ignored the tears in his eyes, but that didn't help because they just ran down his face instead.

Jimmy narrowed his eyes.

"Come on, Joel. Let's leave this Watcher behind."

Joel hesitated, casting one last glance at Grian before following after the taller.

And, oh, how that word stabbed.

"Yeah, go on, walk away!" He yelled. "See if I care!"

And once he was sure that they were long gone, out of ear distance, he collapsed onto his knees.

And I suppose the question stands; if you cry in a forest, and there is no-one there to hear you - did you ever cry at all?

The next day, Skizz was walking through the forest when he spotted a figure. He approached them and grinned. "Heya, Gri!" - But swiftly raised his hands in defence as a loaded crossbow was pointed at his throat. "Woah, dude!"

Grian let out a small "Oh", lowering the crossbow. "Sorry, Skizz."

"What was that about, dude?'

"Oh, just.." The shorter turned away, running a hand through his hair, and Skizz was just noticing how it had been freed from its usual messy ponytail, and now fell around his shoulders in a shaggy, matted clump. "Gotta keep my guard up, y'know?"

"I guess.." Skizz murmured, convinced that something was wrong. "Are you alright?"

Grian shivered. "Yes."

And perhaps someone else would have just decided the dirty blonde was cold, and moved on without a second thought - Grian was, after all, wearing only a vest top, leaving Skizz also wondering where his jacket was - but this is Skizz we're talking about. The king of empathy. And he wasn't convinced.

"Uh, where are the other Bad Boys?"

Grian froze. "I am not a Bad Boy."

Skizz was shocked by the venom in his voice, but also very aware that his reaction, essentially, determined whether the situation got better or worse. "Okay." he spoke softly. "Grian-"

He placed a hand on the hybrid's shoulder, and couldn't help but let out an almost inaudible gasp when he turned to face him.

Mascara stained his cheeks - he had obviously been crying - and his eyes were dark and hollow. They were the eyes of someone who had given up.

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