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Episode 2

I still can't believe that my parents haven't caught on to me using my powers, they know that there are supers in the town. Yet they choose to ignore it.

"Someone murdered the gambler." Courtney says as we all stood in her garage with starman and Pat. Minus Cindy, she might be out of the picture for now.

"Who would ever do that?" Pat says

"People who have met them." Sylvester replies back.

"Yeah so who cares?" Rick says and we all look at him. I sat next to him, and I put my hand on his shoulder.

"A man is dead, and there's a killer out there." Courtney defends, and I back her.

"Yeah, we have to find out whoever did this." I say,

"Excuse me, have you all lost your minds. Cindy Burman did it." Yolanda excuses.

"She was standing over his body." Rick then adds in.

"Ok, yes but Cindy told us her reason." Courtney still tries to defend.

"The Gambler wasn't shot, the goggles didn't show any gun wounds anywhere." Beth defends with Courtney.

"That doesn't mean that Cindy didn't kill him Beth." Rick says.

"Well whoever killed him, must have been strong as Solomon Grundy." Sylvester states, but Rick shots his claim down.

"Grundy is dead."

"Cindy is strong." Yolanda states.

"She's not that strong." I added and she folds her arms.

"If you really thought she was innocent, she would be at this meeting right now." Yolanda states, and I had to give her that one.

Courtney just changed the subject.

"Find the laptop, find the killer." Pat finished Courtney's sentence.

"We must have all of our suspects. Including Cindy Burman." Sylvester states causing Courtney and I to nod our heads.

"Meeting over." Rick says, and he gets up from his seat and grabs my hand to leave. Nobody stopped us.

He went to walk me home, us hand in hand.

"Do you really think Cindy did it?" I ask him sadly, and he shakes his head.

"Everyone is a suspect Ray. We can't clear her name yet. She tried to kill Courtney remember?" He replies to me and I nod my head.

We stopped at my doorsteps, and before we could share a kiss goodnight, my Dad opens the door quickly.

"Ah, Rick! How nice of you to walk my daughter home. Goodnight!" He says and he pulls me away from him and slams the door.

I then get a text from him and it says "goodnight :)" I melt at the kind gesture he made.


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