Days remaining: 1

Start from the beginning

"We have to tell Edd and Matt--"
"We can't. Look hate me or love me-"

"Hate you for sure." I duly note loud enough for him to hear.

"I promise you I have Edd and Matt's best interest. And so will you if you stay with me after this."

"What?! Hell no!"

"Thomas, after tonight everyone will want what's inside of you, if you're with them then you put their lives in danger. My army is the only thing that can possibly protect you. Whatever happens, I'm going to tell them everything, I will do what I can to make sure they find a way to protect themselves. It is for the best." He turned towards the door, his hand reached the knob but hesitated to open it. "And just so you know, Lorraine is dead."

"L-L-L-Loraine? S-S-She's she's dead?" My heart sank and a nauseous feeling overtook me, "Y-You?" Tears brimmed the corner of my eyes. It was like a weight was lifted off my shoulders. What was the point of thinking about her now?

"I know you resent me, Thomas. I'm truly sorry for everything," His voice cracked with sadness, and his eyes looked away from mine in guilt, "I'm sorry. I know everything that son-of-a-bitch did to you and I couldn't restrain myself any longer. It killed me to see you so fragile and hurt and-" he took a moment to compose himself, I could see how desperately he was trying not to cry. Seeing it made silent tears pour down my cheeks as I carefully listened to every word he said. "And I know what Natasha has done. I'm going to tear her to shreds as soon as I get my hands on her. I won't let anyone else touch you. I'm sorry I let you down Thomas." I grabbed the bottle on the floor and took a quick swig before approaching him, I looked up at his face, flustered I quickly looked away, "W-What are you doing?" He muttered noticing me hesitating.

"This would be easier if I was drunk but," I wrapped my arms around him, "T-Thank y-you.."

Suddenly the door flung open and Matt and Edd toppled over onto the floor, Tord quickly stepped away from me, "Were you guys listening?" He tried to have a steady voice but I could tell how freaked out he was. If they heard any of that things could get bad.

Edd got up and rubbed his head, "I was just walking by when I caught Matt listening in," He pointed out.

"Well one of my mirrors went missing, I was just gonna come to ask but you guys were talking. So I was just waiting!"

"What's with the faces? What were you guys talking about?" Edd asks worriedly.

Tord slaps my back and opens his mouth with his classic Norwegian chuckle, "Oh I was just giving Thomas a firm talking about being more careful and curfews. Isn't that right Thomas?"
"Yup yeah, thanks, Dad." I stare.

"Guy we're gonna be late again!" Matt moans, "I'll be waiting in the car!"
"Actually I have my own car in town now, since I've been gone our project is long overdue." Tord says referring to me, "I was gonna have Tom run into Staplers and get some stuff we need."

"Oh, um okay. Don't be late!" Edd responds, he gives me a quick hug. "Please don't pull another night like that Tom. I was really worried."

"I know, I'm sorry. I promise it won't happen again." He lets go and looks at me. He nods and walks off.

Tord and I wait in the room till we hear the car leave, "What the hell is that about? Why would I go with you??" My mind flashed back to last night. "M-M-Miss s-s-said it'd be w-worse--"

He grabbed my arm, "She is no Miss Thomas. She is pathetic. I can't have you going back to that school. And I can't have you associating with Edd or Matt in public."

"Oh my god. T-Tord she already knows! She saw me in the library with them the other week."

"Don't worry, I have eyes on their car and their every move. If she knows there's no point in hiding anything, Tom, your not going to school. You're going to have to come with me, I have to go to my base and continue my plans for tonight." I knew there was no use in arguing and honestly, I was so thankful he wasn't making me go to school I didn't want to complain. I wouldn't have to see her.

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