"She's on vacation. You better get Ms.Miko instead," - Scara

"Hahah! Of course! See you in detention you gay scar freak!" - Laila

"If you'll see me then that means you'll be in there too!" - Scara

I shout as Laila leaves. I turn back to Kazuha and he's smirking, idk why but it's probably something to do with Laila, or the fact that he's probably high about 60% of the time. Hey, I'm not judging, that shit is absolutely amazing. Especially when you fuck on it.

"Hey, are you okay? I know you don't like being called that," - Kazuha

"Of course. Wanna continue where we left off before Laila gets back?" - Scara

"I'd love to Kuni." - Kazuha

He switches our positions so that I'm on the bottom and he's on top which worries me a little because Kazuha's an absolutely stunning kisser, well I guess that's a good thing but he's so good that I feel completely lost without him near me. He pulls me into him, pressing him body onto mine while his arms were wrapped around my waist and mine were wrapped behind his arms so my hands were on the back of his shoulders, pulling his upper body onto mine.

I hear footsteps, assuming they're Laila's and Miko's so I tightened my grip on Kazuha's shoulders so we would be practically inseparable if someone tried to pull me off him or him off me.

"He's here Madam! The boy who's forcing my poor boyfriend to kiss him!" - Laila said without looking back at us so she thought I was still on top which was now obviously not currently true as Kazu's almost completely covering me with his body. I heard a photo click and my mom's signature, slightly mocking laugh.

"Pfft— L-Laila, I don't think that's exactly true now—" Miko says through trying not to burst out laughing.

Laila looks back at Kazuha kissing ME passionately in absolute horror. She jumps over to us and tries to pull Kazuha off of me, which as I thought before, it was to no avail because she was now just a hand lightly pushing on Kazuha's shoulder. I pull away from the kiss for a short breathing break which was definitely a mistake she took the opportunity to push my head into the concrete wall. It surprisingly hurt like hell but that's probably because of the large scar from about a month ago that was from when I fell off of that shelf.

Kazuha takes a hand off of my waist and touches the back of my head. I wince in pain as he touches the injury. He brings his hand back around and as soon as he sees blood he lightly kissed me again before letting go of me and spinning around to face Laila. She puckers her lips as if she thought he was gonna kiss her but instead, he balls up his fist and punches her square in the face, knocking her into the wall as she screams in pain. There was blood on the wall where she hit the wall.

Miko let's this go on for 2 more hits until she stops Kazuha as I realise tears have started to spill down my face. I caused this. This is my fault. I made this girl get hurt when 'she did nothing to me' I'm a horrible person and I horrible lover. I've turned Kazuha from a kind, respectful individual to someone who's willing to hurt someone in my place....

"Kazuha, dear~ return to Scaramouche please. You 'getting a detention' and she winks at Kazuha." - Miko

"I'll go willingly." - Kazuha

"Haha!! Stupid gay freak! I guess all you gays are just as stupid as each other!" - Laila

Who DARES talk to MY boyfriend like that?! Now she's fucked. Insult my lover and I'll beat you unconscious. I push myself off of the wall, ignoring the pain stinging in the back of my head, and tackle Laila to the floor before jumping back up and pushing my foot onto her head, obviously, I'm not trying to do anything serious, just scare some sense into her.

"You can insult me, but the second you DARE insult Kaedahara Kazuha, start saying your goodbyes." - Scara

I push my foot once again but instead into her stomach, earning a visible amount of pain on her face. I was about to kick her when a certain boy's arms pull me away from the girl laying on the floor.

"Scaramouche, that will also be a detention for you. You too, Laila, you shall be joining Kaedahara Kazuha, and Scaramouche MIKO in detention." - Miko

Her face twists from pain to horror as she realises that she's been 'bullying' the son of the deputy head. Miko tells Laila to leave before taking to Kazuha and I privately.

"You two lovebirds don't have to go to detention but, if course, you'll have to pretend you are. Kazuha please take Kunikuzushi to my my office come too." - Miko

I fall into Kazuha which in turn, leads him to pick me up bridal style which honestly I love because I'm so close to him and it's really easy to sleep. I'm not going to this time because Kazuha seems stressed and I have to be here for him. A shiver runs down my spine as I feel a decent amount of liquid trickle down my neck. My blood drips onto his hallway floor in a trail which really freaked out Kazuha as he sped up walking ahead of Miko and waiting for a second outside her office before she lets us in and I'm out on a chair that I feel like I'm about to pass out on. The normal symptoms start, nausea, headache, and my vision fades and I pass out on with my head leaning on Kazuha's shoulder.

(No one)

Miko tells Kazuha that Kunikuzushi would okay. They discuss the things Laila has done to other people in the school. She's been slut shaming Aether because of his usual crop top kind of outfit while Xiao's busy in class. Stole Chongyun's popsicles because 'he eats too many and it's disgusting'. Made fun of Tighnari for being a fox and being a 'nerd' compared to Cyno who got a detention yesterday for cussing her out. Ripped up Albedo's art because 'it's gay to draw another man' when he was sketching Kaeya. Miko reminded Kazuha that Laila has been at the school for about 3 days and she was already being expelled. Kazuha listen to some but was mainly glancing the unconscious Kunikuzushi who had a bandage 'round his head, sleeping on Kazuha's shoulder.

"Don't worry, she'll be expelled," - Miko

1750 words

We all hate Laila. I've been listening to r/EntitledParents podcasts too much so we'll be having some Karen action frfr. Also I didn't mention before that some side ships include: Xiaother, Cynari, Xingyun, Kaebedo, ChiLi. Have an amazing day <3

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