Chapter Nineteen

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"Promise you'll hurry back." Olivia said, kissing him before he rode back into town to join up with the rest of the posse. "This baby could be here any day now."

Anson bent over and kissed her belly. There was no doubt about there being a baby now. She could barely get up without help, scarcely put on her shoes and it was becoming difficult to breathe. She was constantly hot. And then cold. But she'd never looked more beautiful to him.

"Don't worry. I'll be back." He said. "I wouldn't miss this baby being born for the world."

"Alright. And be careful."

He pulled her into his arms. "I love you," he said, kissing her softly. Then he bent down and picked up Annie. "I love you too, Sweetheart. Papa will be back before you know it." He kissed her and then set her back on her feet. A moment later, he was gone.

It had been a week since Anson had ridden out of town with the posse. She'd expected him back before now, but there was no sign of him.

Olivia sighed. She was sitting in the grass and Annie was playing contentedly, but she could tell her daughter was about ready for a nap. "Annie," she called. "Let's go inside."

Annie toddled over and Olivia managed to get to her feet and take a hold of her hand. "When you get up from your nap, we'll go for a walk. Does that sound like fun?"

Annie clapped with delight and Olivia lifted her into her arms to carry her up the stairs. Just as she settled Annie on her hip, however, a pain seared through her abdomen and she had to reach over and grab a hold of the railing.

"Mama?" Annie reached up and patted her face.

"It's alright," Olivia smiled as the pain passed. "Mama's fine." She took Annie up to her room and laid her down on her little bed, kissing her forehead. "I love you."

Annie snuggled under her little quilt and smiled up at her mother.

Olivia closed the door, leaving it open just a crack, and went back downstairs. Perhaps she'd just been pushing herself too hard and the baby was complaining, so she found a good book and curled up in Anson's chair.

Two hours later, Olivia was snapped awake by a sharp pain down her side. The book she was holding fell to the floor and she sucked in a deep breath. "No." she said to the baby. "You can't come right now! Your father isn't home yet!"

Annie was at the top of the stairs calling for her when the pain subsided and she stood up. "I'm coming," she called.

The men were laughing. Russell Conrad was in their custody and they were on their way back to Stanton where he'd spend the next several weeks in jail awaiting trial.

Anson locked the man in one of the cells personally and put the keys in his pocket. "Thanks for all your help," he told the men who were standing around outside waiting for him.

"We're going to get a few drinks over at the saloon to celebrate," one of them said. "You coming along?"

Anson chuckled. They knew he didn't drink, but they still asked every time. "Nah, you boys go on ahead." He said. "I'm going home."

The others walked off in the direction of the bar and Anson sighed. After eight days of hard riding, he was sore. He was tired. He missed his wife.

His wife!

Cursing under his breath, he vaulted into the saddle, thanking his lucky stars that he hadn't let the men put his horse in the stable behind the jail along with theirs. He just hoped he wasn't too late.

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