Chapter Fourteen

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"I thought you said he didn't like children." Maggie whispered as they peeked into the sitting room.

Olivia smiled. Anson was trying to be a good sport, but was completely overwhelmed by the two boys' level of energy. "He doesn't like babies. "She said. "I would only assume that he doesn't like children either."

"And he said he doesn't like women?"

"Yes, he did say that too."

"It just doesn't make sense." Maggie was shaking her head.

"What doesn't?"

"That he'd travel all this way with a woman...... a woman who has a baby of all things, when he claims not to like either."

"It's just his good family upbringing." Olivia teased, repeating Anson's own words. Then she shooed Maggie away and stepped into the sitting room, grabbing Benjamin by the collar as he stumbled backwards into her. "Supper's ready, boys." She said sternly and the two hurried to wash up.

Anson was panting as he stood up from where the boys had literally tackled him. "You did that on purpose!" he managed.

She smiled up at him and he was lost all over again. "They're not bad if you just give them a chance." She said softly. "Are you going to come get something to eat?"

He nodded, pausing to watch her as she walked out of the room. She was beautiful. Just being near her made him lose his breath. He was quite sure he hadn't breathed at all once she'd entered the room and he sucked air into his lungs.

Then he followed after her into the dining room where the only vacant seat was directly across from her.

"So where are you heading next?" Henry asked as supper was winding down. "Or have you decided to stay here in Stanton?" His eyes glanced towards Olivia.

"I'm heading down to California." Anson replied.

"Wouldn't be joining in on that gold rush, would you?"

"No. I was thinking about getting back into law enforcement."

Olivia stared at him. It was the first time he'd mentioned it. "You are?"

He nodded. "I loved the job." He said. "I think I was just in the wrong place before. Maybe a change in scenery will do me some good."

"Well good for you. There are never enough good lawmen around," Henry said. "Why even around here there seems to be a lack of them at times."

Olivia suddenly found that she couldn't breathe. As much as she appreciated what the U.S. Marshalls did, the realization that he might go back to it scared her to death. She couldn't remember how many times she'd seen in the newspaper back home that another lawman had been killed in the line of duty. The thought of losing him that way was nearly unbearable.

"Olivia, are you alright?" Maggie asked.

"Yes, I'm fine." She said. "I'm just tired is all. It's been a long trip."

"You're white as a ghost!" Henry said, getting to his feet suddenly.

"No, it's alright. I'm fine, really."

A shudder trickled up Anson's chest and into his throat. She did look pale all of a sudden and he wondered if she was coming down with something. But he watched her as they continued talking and her color returned. Was it something he'd said? He couldn't remember what they'd been discussing before that.

"Well, I should really be going," Anson said. "Thank you for supper, Mrs.Turner."

"You're welcome, Mr. Colter. Please, if you're ever in town, do stop by."

"I will." He nodded.

"And thank you, for all you've done for Olivia and the baby."

"You're welcome." He smiled. He stared down at Olivia for a moment, unsure of what to say. Finally, he cleared his throat. "Goodbye, Mrs. Addison." Then he put his hat on, walked down the porch steps and disappeared into the night.

"I probably won't ever see him again," Olivia said. Her voice was barely above a whisper.

Maggie turned in the door way. "Don't say that. I'm sure he'll be back. No man goes through all that and just turns and walks away without a backwards glance."

"He will."


The Turners had an extra bedroom and Maggie took Olivia up. "There are more blankets in the chest there and Henry's going to get the old cradle out of the shed for you."

"Thank you."

"You get some rest."

The cradle fit perfectly next to the bed and Olivia settled the baby in under the warm blankets. She was sleeping soundly and Olivia changed into one of her nightgowns before crawling into the bed. But as tired as she was, sleep would not come.

She began thinking about Colin, having only gotten halfway to their new life before he'd died. And Mr. Colter. She was so thankful for him. It was as if he'd been an angel, sent when she needed him the most. She knew she never would have made it if it hadn't been for him. And now he was gone.

There were so many thoughts going through her mind that she began to feel overwhelmed with them all and she finally broke down and cried. She cried for the loss of her brother. The loss of her husband all those months before.And now, the loss of Anson Colter, her protector, who'd ridden out of her life as if he didn't care.

California was too hot. Too dry. Too desolate. And too lonely.

Anson had tried to convince himself that the moment he left, his sanity would come back to him. That eventually he wouldn't even think about her or the baby anymore. But the truth was it had already been a month and the more he rode trying to get away from the memories, the more they haunted him.

He rode until nearly dark and then found a place to camp, threw his bedroll on the ground, and flopped down onto it to sleep.

But sleep didn't seem to help. It was clouded by dreams. Of her. Of the baby. Dreams of the time they'd spent together on the trail. Finally, unable to sleep without seeing images of her, he sat up and built a fire. "This is ridiculous." He muttered to himself.

"You're sure there isn't anything else you need?" Henry asked.

"No, I think you've done more than enough." Olivia said, hugging her cousin. "Thank you."

"If you need anything, you let me know."

"I will."

Little Annie was playing happily on the back porch, lying on a blanket while Olivia chopped wood. Henry had offered, but she knew that he had his own work to do. And she didn't mind. The work helped to distract her.

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