Chapter Five

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He sat by the fire until nightfall and then stretched out on his bedroll underneath the wagon. He could hear Olivia tossing and turning in the wagon above him and he cringed when she cried out in pain. Then all was quiet and he strained to hear if she'd fallen into a deeper sleep. When he heard the soft sobs, he bolted from his bedroll and went to the back of the wagon, climbing inside and kneeling next to the narrow cot.

"Mrs. Addison!" he said, grabbing her by the shoulders. "What's wrong?"

Her only answer was a soft whimper and he placed his hand on her forehead. She seemed to be sweating, but there was no fever and he breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's nothing," she managed. "It's just contractions from having the baby. It'll pass."

"But you're in pain!" his voice cracked.

"I've endured worse,"

"Can I.....can I get you something?"

She could only shake her head, even though in the dark he couldn't see.

"Was that a yes? No?"

"No," she whispered "I'll be fine, I promise."

He clenched his teeth. "I'll drive the wagon tomorrow so you can rest."

"You don't have to do that, Mr. Colter." She said, barely above a whisper. "You've done more than I can ever repay already."

"Repay? I never intended for you to repay me."

"Then you're even more of a gentleman than I thought." She reached up and touched his cheek. "I'll be fine."

A tightening across his chest made it impossible to speak for a moment. When he was able, he took a deep breath. "You'll call me if you need me, won't you?"

"I promise." She said.

He nodded and then quickly climbed from the wagon, walking away as quickly as his legs would carry him, but careful to stay close enough that he could hear if she called for him.

What was going on inside his head? "I don't like women," he reminded himself. "I don't trust them and I don't like them." He was pacing back and forth talking to himself until he realized that he was acting crazy.

Taking a few deep breaths, he walked back to the wagon and sprawled out on his bedroll. He threw one arm over his eyes but it didn't help block the thoughts going through his mind. The thought that of all things, a woman.....the one thing he'd avoided for the past six years, was making him talk to himself. It was possible it would be the very thing that would finally send him over the edge into insanity.

He listened for awhile but didn't hear her anymore and finally slipped into a deep sleep.

Olivia climbed from the wagon and was just stepping down onto the wheel when she felt his hands at her waist and he helped her down. "How are you feeling?" he asked.

"Better." She said quietly.

"Breakfast is ready, if you think you'd be able to eat something."

She smiled up at him. "You made breakfast?"

"Yes. It's probably not anywhere near as good as what you make, but you could live on it if necessary."

"I'm sure it's just fine. Thank you."

There she goes again, he thought. Thanking me for nothing. It was nothing, just breakfast. If she wasn't feeling well, he wasn't about to starve. That was all.

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