There's actually a kids park there and we went on the seesaw and it was so funny 😂😂😂 she was fully bouncing us so high I laughed SO hard like my full on ugly belly laugh I had tears streaming down my cheeks. We both felt a little sick after cos we had just ate food and was half way drinking our Starbucks lol. And then we walked down that walk path, saw a bunny rabbit 🐰 and sat on a bench.

Walked some more and we walked all the way to the waterfront. They have the water park thing out and we decided to do it. We'd have to do it when we are both off our period. I'm normally a week after her so it'll have to be towards the start of the month so in a few weeks time in July but we were looking at tickets to book.

It was really chilled. Reaaaalllyy chilled.
Bay will always be a bitter sweet memory for me and I find it so nostalgic. I won't get into details but I'm pretty sure those who have been following my diary know the reasons why.

We then drove home and it was such a nice night for us.
And I drove home
Without maps too

I also bought hazelnut milk in Lidl. I bought three cartons (they were 60p) H drank some and she loved it and I tried some and ONG it's the best milk I've ever had
I wanted to go back after placement to buy more but we were both so tired so we went home

I gave her one of my cartons to take home

I have 4 non dairy milk cartons at home lol. One soya, two hazelnut and another non dairy milk one. It's better for me

She later texted me saying thank you for always being there for me and I said it's the least I can do it's what friends are for

This is what I was looking forward to
I'm finally not in Iran this summer and get to spend it with my best friends

I waited for exams and assignment to be done
No stress
Only have placement now and I can meet my friends after placement and can go to work when needed

I felt so happy and calm today. Love evenings and I love those people where you can be yourself, laugh loud, enjoy yourself, be carefree and wild. Be calm and chill. I love iehabs company

 I love iehabs company

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