-A special introduction-

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Katsuki Bakugo a loud blond, Eijiro Kirishima a charismatic boy and Denki Kaminari a real idiot, formed a band. They are a famous trio known across their college. Their band was constituted of two guitarists and a drummer, tho they were missing an actual singer and they were starting to lose credibility. They were being recognized more for their looks then for their talent, that's why present Mic was helping them find someone, When Kirishima came to him with the problem, he knew exactly who this person could be. One problem, this person wasn't holding the best reputation, not because he was a bad guy but because he was a victim of major bullying therefor the center of cruel rumours. The teachers knew but since he kept denying it they couldn't do anything, not without names at least. He was the weird kid, a nerd and some went as far as saying he was a man whore. But this boy was one of the purest souls you could ever meet, he was sweet, intelligent, polite and innocent. The opposite of what the rumours said but he let it pass over his head, it's not like he could change it anyways. His name is Izuku Midoriya, he had a passion, music, but he stopped playing after a series of devastating events that occurred two years prior.

"So you're telling me you want us to take a man whore in our fucking crew!? Ain't no way." Katsuki spats at their teacher, Hizashi Yamada, he had assembled the group with him to talk about it.
"Bakugo, did you ever take the time to talk to Izuku?" Yamada asks clenching his jaw.
"No need to. Did you hear what they fucking say!? He's definitely a man whore." He replies irritated.
"Bakubro, those are rumours, technically we know no one who actually did it or saw any of it." The red head, named Kirishima, tries to resonate with him.
"Yeah! I mean could we at least talk to him? You seem to know him. How is he really like?" Kaminari asks curiously.
"Well, Midoriya is a sweet kid, he's shy which is why he never tries to go against the rumours, he is polite and is really smart. He has a harsh past which is actually why he stopped playing, if you try to convince him, he could probably be the best option to improve your group." He explains with a small smile as he thinks of his little prodigy. "He writes and composes. He was taught by one of the most famous musicians, his voice is captivating, which is one of the reasons why it's such a shame he stopped." He explains sadly.
"Who was his teacher? Do we know him?" Kaminari asks invested.
"All Might." He answers making the three look at him wide eye.
"Wow! How come no one knows!? He could be like super popular if he told anyone!" Kirishima points out making the teacher laugh.
"He hates unwanted attention and he doesn't see the need too. He likes being alone, at least that's what he tells us.. I'm pretty sure it's just so we don't worry.." He sighs loudly.

Katsuki was leaving, he didn't want to hear any of the bullshit. They were going to rehearse and this was a waste of time according to him.
"I guess it's a no then.. At least I tried.." Yamada mumbles in a long sigh as the trio left his office.

Kirishima runs up to the stubborn blonde. "Come on bro! We need a singer and this dude could be our best option!" The red head tries to resonate.
"I don't give a fuck. We don't need anyone else! He's probably just the teachers favourite so they pity him." He growls walking faster. They were arriving to the music room when they heard someone playing.

Yamada came running around the corner and hid next to the door listening the trio following close behind.

It was a soft melody which silenced the group as they stood next to the teacher who was holding in his tears.

"So how do I say goodbye? To someone who's been with me for my whole damn life! You gave me my name and the colour of my eyes! I see your face when I look at mine! So how do I, how do I, how do I say goodbye?" His voice showed many wrapped up feelings that could be felt, all from the nostalgia to the pain.

"Who is that?" Kirishima asks under his breath.
"Izuku Midoriya.." Mic answers looking back at the group.
"So will you rethink the offer? Please?" Yamada pleads them, it was a group decision, they had to all be okay with it. Kirishima and Kaminari had agreed in a heartbeat as they looked expectedly at Katsuki.

"He sounds depressed." He grumbles. "But I want that fucking idiot in our crew." Katsuki says making everyone's face lit up.

Yamada smiled hearing him play his last notes.
"That sucked.. He'd be disappointed in me.." They hear him mumble followed by shuffling and that's when the trio got in making the freckled boy go pale. "I'm so sorry!" He blurts out taking his bag to run off.

Katsuki frowns looking at him trying to get out and he grabs his shirt's collar. "Hey man, we just want to talk!" Kirishima says with a grin making Izuku panic thinking he was going to get attacked again. He pushes Katsuki off and runs to the open window.
"No, No, No, the rumours aren't true I don't give services! I won't bother again! I'm so sorry!" He blurts out panicked before jumping out the window, making everyone panic. They rapidly go check on him to see that he jumped on the tree, climbed down and was running away.

"What the actual fuck?!" Katsuki says looking at the teacher.
"Wait- was he ever attacked or something!? Did we scare him?!" Kirishima asks feeling bad, it's true that the freckled teen doesn't know them and the way he was approached could easily be miss interpreted.
"We're trying to make him talk but he isn't budging.." Yamada admits sadly.

"It won't be an easy fight, but if you succeed, I know you guys could go further in your music career if he's with you.." Yamada says before clapping his hands together pleadingly. "Please do it! Bring the music back in him" The two other group members look at Bakugo waiting for his answer.
"We ain't here for charity, we doing it cause the Nerd has it in him." He responds as he walks towards the drums.

The three other give high fives before the duo take their own instruments.

"Good! We'll also be there to help, we need the little dude to join us!" Kirishima exclaimed giving a high five to Kaminari.

"Thank you boys, I'll leave you at it and tomorrow we can try meeting up all together so he doesn't jump out a window again-" He laughs nervously before leaving the room.

The trio looked at each other slowly processing everything.
"He literally jumped out a window to run." Kaminari recalled as he thought of the situation.
"Seriously? I didn't notice." Katsuki rolls his eyes sarcastically.
"I mean, now that I think of it, he doesn't have friends does he?" Kirishima questions the group.
"Nope, never saw him with anyone." Kaminari confirms in a long sigh.
"Then why is there so many people against him?" Kirishima asks confused.

Katsuki listens to the conversation as he played with his drum stick.
"I heard a while back that he was fatherless and gay, I don't know the rest but I know that was the subject for a while. There's also the rumours where he sells he offers.. Unholy services." Kaminari answers after thinking about it for a while with a small frown.
"Why didn't anyone stop it? I mean there's nothing wrong with it, we're in college for gods sake, aren't people supposed to stop those childish behaviours? " Kirishima questions annoyed. "And based off his reaction, the last one is clearly not true."
"I don't know man, I didn't even know if the dude was real until now." The blond guitarist admits.
"You're fucking dumb dunce face and as for why, who wants to help someone who doesn't want to help himself!?" Katsuki questions getting irritated.

Kirishima sighed in annoyance. "Because sometimes all the person needs is a push in the right direction. That's what you did for me back in high school and that's all it took for me to be super manly!" Kirishima tries to resonate to which Bakugo responds with one of his famous 'tch'.

"Come on guys! We need to rehearse!" Kaminari gushes in excitement.
"Sure idiots let's do this." Katsuki smirks spinning his stick in the air and catching it back smoothly.


Izuku once back down ran and once on the side walk he smiled looking at the sky.
"I played Toshi, it wasn't as good as I'd like, but I played.. I hope you heard me.. Cause that song was for you.." The viridian boy mumbles the last part looking back at his red sneakers.

Izuku curves his lips in a small smile already forgetting about the prior events in the classroom.

New story y'all!
An other musical AU so I hope all you fuckers enjoy.
(ㄏ ̄▽ ̄) ( ̄▽ ̄)

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