Enigma (Ot7)(SFW)(hurt + Comfort)(Part 1)

Start from the beginning

A glass of wine was resting on the solid black arm of the couch as Namjoon was telling a story, arms going wide as he spoke with his hands. All Seokjin could do was lean back, sipping his wine. He couldn't hold back the smile.

Namjoon was many things, but in that moment, he was bloody cute. He would be lying if he said he had any idea of what Namjoon was really speaking about, something about a specific painter's style that he had seen last time he went to the museum.

It didn't matter what Namjoon was actually talking about. The man's deep and smooth voice had a way of always making Seokjin feel happy. It always made all of them feel safe. He could be reading out loud a children's book, and he would still captivate every part of Seokjin's mind and body.

It was a good evening.

Or it was, until a text on Namjoon's phone distracted them. The tone was something Seokjin had heard before, as Namjoon had specific tones for different people, but not something that he could point to as a specific person.

He didn't need to, as Namjoon froze in place, hands stuck in the air as he looked towards his phone. His tanned face went several shades lighter as he sighed, "I should get that." His voice was no longer the deep, soft velvet that made it run down Seokjin's spine in pleasure, but the sigh of a man much older than Namjoon's younger age.

Because Namjoon was younger than him.

He was younger than half of BTS. Yeah, Namjoon called them Hyung and treated them with the respect that they had earned by being born earlier than him, but he was very much... their leader in all other ways.

It was only then that Seokjin really considered what that meant. Namjoon had gone from looking like a happy young man to a man much older than his years as the sound of a text tone interrupted him. "What if you don't? It will still be there tomorrow." Seokjin really tried to keep it light, reaching a hand down to rest it on Namjoon's hand, slowly lowering the younger man's hands from where they were still stuck in the air.

Namjoon shook his head, sorrow in his eyes. "No, I need to do it now. They wouldn't be texting if it wasn't important." To that, Seokjin disagreed, but he kept his opinion to himself. This was never a useful fight to try and pick with Namjoon, that at least he had known for their many years together.

It didn't stop him from pushing, just a little, running his thumb over Namjoon's bicep where he was holding it. "It might not be. I was enjoying our time together." All the members of BTS could be a little greedy about one-on-one time with Namjoon, and while Jungkook was definitely the most outgoing with those feelings, Seokjin was not far behind.

For a second, just the barest of seconds, Namjoon seemed to hesitate. He seemed to actually consider staying, his eyes on Seokjin's hand, before he shook his head. "I have to. I am sorry." He rested his own, always slightly cold hand on top of Seokjin's on his arm before standing up. "Maybe..." Another second of hesitation from Namjoon, as if he was unsure if he was allowed to say the next sentence. "If it's just a short meeting, I can come back and sleep here?"

It was more than Seokjin had dared to hope for as he let go of Namjoon's arm, much to his own lament. "Of course, Joonie, you are always welcome here."

With that, Namjoon was gone into the cold winter night. Seokjin realized too late, calling after him, "Wait, you can't drive?" Of course, that was when he realized that the company had already sent a car. They knew that Namjoon was going to come with them even before the man had answered the phone.

Namjoon didn't come back that night.

That was what started it for Seokjin. His chill and soft evening with Namjoon were ruined. The world had forced his eyes open, and he could no longer ignore what was going on around him.

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