"Follow me," Asteria says.

I am hesitant, but I allow her to lead me through the garden.

"W-Where are we going?" I ask, using my free hand to rid the remaining tears still drying on my cheeks.

Princess Asteria is quiet, though she leads me with fierce determination. We head deeper into the garden, toward its back, until we reach a large clump of tall hedges that would require the normal person to walk around. Asteria however, leads me to the side and drops my hand. I watch as she gently places her hand against the hedge and closes her eyes. Suddenly, the branches pull apart, creating an opening. I stare at it in awe.

Magic. Princess Asteria just used magic.

"Quickly," she says, pointing her head toward the entrance. I do as I am instructed and head inside, watching as she follows behind me. The branches return together, trapping us inside...wherever this is.

We are standing inside a private garden, enclosed on all sides by tall hedges that block out portions of the sun. Red and white rose bushes surround the area, and a large, cascading fountain sits on top of cobblestone in the center. If I lean my head, I can just barely make out glittering fish swimming in the fountain's base.

"W-Where are we?" I ask.

Asteria looks more relaxed now that we are inside. She takes a seat on the fountain's edge and runs her fingers through her long, golden hair.

"This is my favorite place," she explains. "It's my private garden. It is completely hidden and inaccessible to the guards. We will not be disturbed here."

I continue to stand in shock, utterly confused as to what is going on. Princess Asteria took me, me, of all people, to her secret garden, which she without a doubt used magic to enter.

"Do the other maids know this place exists?" I ask.

Asteria shakes her head and pats beside her. "Come sit, Fe."

I move cautiously toward her. This setting feels too intimate. Alba would be furious to know I was in the private company of the princess with no guards nearby. However, when I remember the true reason I am her – my mission – I see this as the perfect opportunity to get to know Princess Asteria a little better. I smooth out my uniform from under me as I sit comfortably next to her. I turn, glancing at the colored fish swimming in the water, and stare back at Asteria.

"I figured you might be more comfortable talking to me here," Asteria admits. "If we'd stayed in the garden, the guards would have overheard everything."

"P-Princess, I do not want to trouble you. If I truly was interrupting your stroll in the garden, then I apologize. I can leave immediately," I say.

Asteria shakes her head. "Nonsense. You are one of my maids, and it is my duty to make sure you are feeling comfortable in Esterpool. What's the matter, Fe?"

There is now no denying now that she saw me upset. I cannot explain to her the true nature of my frustration, so I settle on what I told Maria earlier.

"I'm sorry. Taika—he is back from home—visited me to check on how I was doing and adjusting to life here. I started to grow homesick when we parted. It's nothing for you to worry about, truly," I say. "Some days I miss Landiani. That is all."

Asteria nods and traces her finger against the surface of the water. "There are days I miss Magewell, too," Asteria murmurs. "But you know, Fe, you do not need to stay here. I do not want to cause you any pain by forcing you to serve me. If you truly wish to return to Landiani, then I won't be upset."

"N-No! That's not what I am trying to say!" I exclaim. Suddenly, I am at a loss of words, wondering why it is so difficult to speak around her. Asteria stares at me patiently, while I try to conjure a response.

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