Chapter 8

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Rosalie took off her dress and began to wash her face in the sink. She put on some shorts and a t-shirt. Laying in her bed, she thought of her life. Why is she the one the witches are after? She wasn't very powerful, right?

Suddenly there was a knock at her dorm-room door. Answering it, Elijah stood before her.

"Elijah? What are you doing here?"

"I came to see you." Elijah came inside.

Rose shut the door. "I was getting ready for bed. It is quite late."

"Forgive me, I do not have a dorm room just yet."

"Oh I see. Bonnie and Liv should be back soon." Rosalie checked her phone.

Spending the night with Enzo and Ty, cya tomorrow! - Liv & Bon

"Never mind then." Rosalie turned off her phone.

Elijah went close to her face. "Such natural beauty." He held her face with his fingertips.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Rosalie turned away.

Elijah pulled her back into a kiss and I'm pretty sure you can guess what happened next ;)

~Next Morning~

Rosalie woke up to her laying on Elijah's bare chest. His arms were around her holding her close. His breath was slow and calm. She tried to move without waking him but vampires have very good hearing.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you."

"It's alright." He sat up, stretching.

Rosalie looked over to her beside clock. 11:21 am. "I have a class at 12, magic training." She sat on the edge of the bed.

"Good thing for me, I don't have any classes." He sat beside her.

"Lucky, this should be easy for me though. Unless they don't allow me to siphon." Rose got up, going over to her wardrobe.

"I may be a vampire, but I'd say I know a bit of magic."

"Are you sure about that?" Rosalie took off her shirt.

"Living for over a thousand years, you learn a thing or two."

"I forgot about that. It must be hard knowing you will live forever." She put on a black shirt and leather jacket.

"Indeed, the comfort of knowing I could put an end to my life is not there." Elijah stood up.

"I understand. Living is overrated." Rosalie put on black jeans.

"I would live through it all with you." Elijah vamp sped in front of her.

"Until I die." Rosalie's smile faded. "I never thought of that."

"I can't bare the thought of living without you Rose." He held her face.

"I can't either. But it must happen eventually." She sighed looking into his eyes. "I need to get going now." Rose kissed his cheek and left the dorm room.

Rose went down the stairs and into the main entrance. There were witches practicing magic around the bookshelves. Rosalie walked passed them out to the outside classes.

"Rose, hey!" Bonnie said greeting her. "C'mon I'll show you our class."

Bonnie led Rosalie down to the basement where it was very dark but candles were lit in the hallways. The classroom was large, there were many bookshelves, skulls, herbs, plants, and jars of liquids/powders.

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