Chapter 1

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September 14th, 2011.

I feel nothing. I feel alone. But that's something, it's not nothing. I am alone? What is being alone? What is love? What is life?

Rosalie sets down her journal on her lap. She's a writer. She always loved to write, she got it from her mother. Rosalie lays down on her bed thinking to herself about how much she wished her life would change. She didn't like her life, it didn't have meaning. It didn't have purpose.

September 15th, 2011.

A loud alarm goes off. BEEP BEEP BEEP. Rosalie groans, smashing her hand on her clock to make it stop. She read the time, 7:15 am. She sits up in her bed, hold her face in her hands. She sighs. Slowly but certainly she'd get out of her dorm-room bed and almost trip over her boxes that contained her essentials to move.

She'd go over to her bathroom as she began to have a shower.

She needed to clear her head. She was moving in with her sister Davina Claire. She lived in a small town in Mystic Falls.

After Rosalie had finished her shower, she began changing into some casual clothes. Jeans, red t-shirt, and a light black jacket. It was the beginning of fall, weather becoming colder. She would have to move boxes so she needed to dress accordingly.

After she was dressed she started on her hair. She had taken it out of the braid she had it in and it flowed gracefully. She had dark brown hair. Similar to Davina's, but it matched beautifully with her light green eyes.

She would begin her light makeup. Mascara, eyebrow gel, conceal the dark spots and under the eyes. minimal blush & highlight.

Finishing up her makeup, her phone suddenly rang. "Davina" it shown; Picking up her cellphone she answered.

"Hello?" Rosalie said

"Hey Rose, just wondering... When do you plan on coming on over? I have a date later today and was hoping to help you move in before I left." Davina replied.

"No worries, I will be leaving in 10 minutes."

"Sounds great, see ya then!" Davina said excitedly.

Rosalie hung up and began grabbing her stuff she hadn't put into boxes yet.

She would carry a couple boxes at a time and some of her old roommates helped her move the rest into her car.

"I'm gonna miss you so much Rose!" Caroline said bringing her into a hug.

"I'm gonna miss you and Bonnie as well." Rosalie replied. Bonnie was in one of her classes so she said goodbye to Rose the day before.

They let go of each other and Rosalie began to walk towards her car opening the door.

Waving goodbye, she backed out her dorm-room driveway preparing for the 1 hour car ride.

30 minutes had past, Rosalie was listening to music and enjoying her time. Rosalie found music as her "safe place", other than writing of course. She was an artsy & creative type. She enjoyed music, painting, and drawing.


1 hour felt like nothing when Rosalie was distracted with her music playing in the background.

She'd pull up to Davina's home. It was so big, grand entrance, big driveway.

Rosalie knew her sister was living with some guy named Kol, but she didn't know he was rich.

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