chapter thirteen

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Amelia's pov:

I started to cook the dinner wondering where Azriel is and when is he going to come back  but I understand that he has work so it's okay.

I decided to make pasta for dinner, I hope Azriel loves pasta.

As I was preparing the dinner I heard the door opening and I heard azriel and Dante's voices talking to each other.

"Well he fucking deserved it". I heard azriel, he sounds angry.

"Okay I understand but we really have to be careful, his family will come for revenge"

Revenge? For what?

"Let them come and see what happens, you forgot who are we?"

"No I did not, can you calm down now? I really don't want to see you upset because of me". Their bond was so beautiful.

"Don't ever blame yourself Dante, you know that I would burn this world for you, we burn for each other remember"

I really needed to know their history with each other.

What are they talking about?

And who are they?

And who wants revenge from them?

I couldn't help but think about all of these questions but I don't want to pressure him to tell me anything, I want him to open up to me when he wants.
I think I have to be a good girl tonight because he is already in a very bad mood.

"Hey master". I greeted him with my eyes focused on the floor, I really don't want to disrespect him right now.

"Hey pet". He said still with angry tone but I know it was not directed to me.
"Hey gorgeous". Dante said sitting on the couch.

"What are you making for dinner". Azriel asked.

"Pasta master". I answered still bowing my head.
"Great, I'm really hungry". I smiled because was happy to serve him in anyway possible.

He and Dante sat on the couch and opened the tv and I was finishing the dinner, I hope Azriel likes it, I just want his approval on everything that I do.

I finished the dinner and invited them on the table and served us one plate for each and Azriel ordered me to get him wine and Dante requested me to bring him wine as well, I drank juice because unfortunately I was not allowed to drink.
We sat at the table and I waited for Azriel's approval on the food or to tell me how was it.

"Ohh it's really good, you cook so well, thanks pet". Azriel's words made my heart skip a beat, I was so happy that he liked it, I couldn't describe my happiness.
I smiled and blushed at the same time at his words.

We finished and after a while Dante left and we were left alone in the house.
My phone vibrated and I looked to see who messaged me and it was sash.

Sash: you told you will come to see me today, why didn't you come?

"Fuck".I promised that I will go see her today but I totally forgot then I realized that I said that out loud in front of Azriel, fuck.

He looked at me  and arched his eyebrows and with one look I looked down in submission, damn he has got this look that can make you weak on your knees for him.

"Did I just hear you curse pet?". He asked and from his voice only, I was already regretting this.

Well there is no point of lying, he already heard me plus me lying will just add to my punishment.

"Yes master, sorry master"

"What were you looking at that made you curse pet?"

"I promised sash that I will go to see her and bring the things that I want from there so I can move in with you but I forgot master"

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