chapter two

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"do I look good?". I asked Sasha.

"Girl you look HOT"

I smiled.

We are in front of the club, And I have never seen anything like this before. It's enormous, and black, the word 'euphoria' was highlighted in silver, there was two guards in front of the door.

"ID please". One of the guards told us.

We both gave him our ID and sasha gave him her membership card, I'm supposed to make my membership card today.
"Enter". He told us and we entered.

"Okay first we go to Emily to make you do the procedures to make your membership card and for you to enter the VIP part as well as the bdsm part". She told me as she winked.

We went to Emily and damn she was gorgeous, I have never seen anyone like that, she was the definition of 'beauty'. Her hair was so dark and her eyes were blue as ocean.

We were in her office, her office wasn't big it was simple just a a midium size desk and a chair with purple walls, it was cute actually.

"Well Amelia, to start the procedures you have to fill in these papers, you are part of the bdsm community, right?

I blushed.

"Yes". I whispered.

"You are submissive right?"

I blushed again.


"Okay so this will define if you are a little or slave or a submissive or a servand and if you are a brat or not so I can give you a coloured bracelets so when you enter the VIP, you can find a match easily"

I blushed again, and I was sure that my face was tomato red because she smirked at me.

"Okay take a seat please and fill the papers". She told me.


I sat on the chair and began to fill the papers.

It was A lot of questions like what I desire and the soft and hard limits. I didn't have many hard limits thought, I think that's why I was a masochist.
I heard the door opens.

"Emily, give me the papers that I told you about". I heard a voice behind me. I have never heard a voice as deep as this one, it intimidate me even before I knew the guy.

I turned around and I have never seen someone as beautiful as him but I also have never seen someone as scary as him. He had dark hair, and eyes as dark as his hair. I was scared by just looking at him, we made eye contact but he cut it as soon as he noticed he was looking at me.
Emily stood up immediately, I swear it startled me.

"Yes master Azriel, give me a minute please and I will get it to you in your office". She said as quickly as possible, I swear she was frightened by him, I wonder who was he.

I just didn't understand why am I so attracted to this guy and at the same time so scared of him, but this fear was exciting to me for some unknown reason.

"Okay, don't make me wait, Emily."

She nodded quickly swallowing hard.

"Who is he?". I couldn't help but ask her, I wanted to know so badly and I don't even know why.

"He is master Azriel, the owner of this club and every bdsm club in this country, he is a sadist, and everyone in this club fears him even the dominants, hell everyone in the country fears him" she said.

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