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I roll to my side and glance at the clock on my bedside table.

3:21 AM

I sigh deeply and put my pillow over my head. I had a long day at work and with Manal on mat leave, I've been working extra hours. I put the pillow down and turn to face her. She's in a deep slumber, smiling. I wonder what she's dreaming of. I brush the hair out of her face and mirror her expression. Alhamdullillah, what did I do to deserve such a great family? Just then, sounds of wails escape baby Yasmine's voice. Manal tosses, turns, and groans, but I caress her tell her that I've got it. I open Yasmine's door and see her and she's standing up tall on her crib. I smile and she smiles back, drooling and jumping up and down. I grab the baby formula, bottle, and fix her a bottle. "Oh, thank you." Manal walks in groggily. "Go back to bed, it's fine, I've got this." I assure her. But she smiles and hugs me. I hug her back with Yasmine in my hand and embrace them both, their heartbeats pounding on my chest. "I love you so, so, much." I kiss Manal's forehead and she turns red.

After Yasmine's finished with her bottle, I place her in her crib and soon enough, she falls asleep. Abruptly, I grab Manal and carry her in my arms. She squeals with laughter. "Mazin, oh my God, put me down!" I run to our room and place her on the bed. She's still giggling. I lay down beside her and snuggle up close, peppering soft kisses on her. "Subhanallah, look how far we've come." I remark. "I know right! I mean, we have a child now, Subhanallah, I never thought I'd be a mother. Alhamdullillah." I smile. "Alhamdullillah."

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