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"Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength." - Arnold Schwarzenegger

Isla Isabelle POV

As I finished recounting every detail of our eventful shopping trip, a wave of concern washed over my papa's face. He gently placed a hand on my shoulder and whispered, 

"My dear vita mia, we need to take you to the hospital to get your wounds checked. I know it's frightening, but please trust me when I say that we will be right there by your side."

As I began to recall the events of that day, a sudden wave of overwhelming emotions washed over me, causing my mind to go blank. The memories flooded my consciousness, vivid and intense, leaving me gasping for air as a panic attack took hold.

Everything around me seemed to fade into the background, as if the present moment had dissolved into a haze of disorientation. 

I strained to hear the voices of my loved ones, but their words became muffled, distant echoes lost amidst the chaos within my mind.


"S-sir s-stop I c-can't b-breath a-anymore" I plead to sir when he gripped my neck tightly because I accidentally spilled his drugs on the floor

I see fury in his eyes. I know he can kill me in this moment if he wants. but when ma'am hold his hands, he let go of my neck and they continue doing what they usually do.

they put me in the basement again trembling in pain due sir griping my neck. my whole body hurts and I past out before i can go to bed.

when I wake up I see white walls and ceiling and I see a doctor staring at me weirdly.

"little girl your awake" he says smiling weirdly to me that make me uncomfortable.

"w-where I a-am s-sir?" i asked to him and ma'am and sir open the door and stare at me angrily

"you bitch you cost us a great amount of money to be here" he says gripping my arm tightly.

"i will pay for her medical expenses you will let me do anything I want to her" he smirk while saying that but I don't understand what it means

sir smile widely because of that and agreed happily. they go out of the room and the doctor said I should take of my clothes off because he will clean my wounds but instead he touch and licked me all over body that makes me cry.

before I can scream for help he put clothes on my mouth to silence me and continue what he do to me.

end of flashback

In that vulnerable moment, someone stepped forward, their touch providing a comforting anchor amidst the storm of fear that had consumed me. 

Their presence was a silent reassurance, their eyes filled with empathy and compassion. They understood my trembling body, knowing that no words could ease the fear I was experiencing.

As their embrace and soothing words gradually calmed my racing heart, the weight of anxiety began to lift, replaced by a glimmer of hope. 

It was then that my papa, the pillar of strength in my life, spoke with a tender resolve, his voice filled with love and determination.

"Vita mia, my precious one," papa said, his voice unwavering. "I want you to know that I promise to be there for every moment you spend at the hospital. Elio and I will never leave your side, no matter what. 

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