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"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts." - Winston Churchill

Isla Isabelle POV

After I asked Lu-Lu why he was crying, he hurriedly rushed out of the room, leaving me bewildered. 

I had no idea why he reacted that way, so I approached my dad and asked him what was wrong. His response was filled with a mix of anger and sadness as he questioned Lu-Lu's sudden departure.

"Vita mia, what happened to you? Look at these bruises and wounds," my Mister exclaimed, his voice tinged with concern.

I hesitated for a moment, fearing that speaking up would only lead to more trouble. "I d-don't w-want to t-tell you, M-mister I'm a-afraid he w-will g-get angry a-and h-hurt me a-again," I whispered quietly, hoping that Sir wouldn't overhear me and inflict more pain.

Emi, who had been listening to our conversation, stepped forward, her eyes filled with compassion. "Oh, my little bee, no one will hurt you here. 

I promise you, this big brother will protect you with his life. Can you trust us and tell us what happened?" he gently urged, his words offering me a glimmer of hope.

Summoning my courage, I took a deep breath and mustered the strength to share my painful secret. "W-when I've b-been a b-bad girl, Ma'am and Sir, t-they would.... h- hit and p-punch m-me,

" I confessed, my voice quivering with fear and anxiety. The thought of being abandoned because I was deemed ugly haunted my thoughts.

My dad's expression hardened as he processed my words. "Is that what they told you to call them?" he inquired, a mixture of anger and disbelief evident in his voice. 

I simply nodded in response, not wanting to delve any further into the terrifying memories that haunted me.

My dad enveloped me in a comforting embrace, his voice filled with reassurance. "My dear child, from this day forward, you are safe. No one will hurt you again. 

We will do everything in our power to heal your wounds, both physical and emotional," he promised, his voice filled with love and sincerity.

As I heard the commotion outside the door, I turned my attention to see all of my older brothers staring at me with a mixture of concern and anger in their eyes. 

The sight of my wounds seemed to have ignited a fierce protectiveness within them.

"Elio!" Mister's voice boomed, trying to capture their attention. However, Gio remained fixated on me, his eyes filled with worry and anger.

"ELIO!" Mister's voice echoed through the room, causing me to flinch and Gio to snap out of his trance.

Bubba, my oldest brother, stepped forward, his face filled with determination. "What happened to her?" he demanded, his voice laced with anger and concern.

Mister took a deep breath, realizing the urgency of the situation. "We will talk about it later, but right now, Gio, I need you to check her bruises and wounds," he instructed, his tone firm yet filled with a fatherly concern.

Gio nodded, his focus shifting entirely to me. With a gentle touch, he began to examine my injuries, his hands careful and tender. 

As he assessed the extent of the damage, his expression grew more pained, mirroring the emotions that welled up inside me.

Meanwhile, my other brothers, gathered around, their eyes filled with a mix of anger and concern.

As Gio finished examining and cleaning my wounds, his expression grew grim as he shared the extent of my injuries. 

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