Chapter 7

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Pierro Antonio Pov

After James arrived with Isabelle's belongings, I carefully arranged them in the bathroom, preparing everything for her bath. Sensing her hesitation and distress, I approached Isabelle with a tender gaze, filled with adoration and concern.

"Vita mia, the bath is prepared. Let's get you cleaned up," I softly spoke, but as I looked at Isabelle, I noticed she was peacefully sleeping in my bed. I couldn't bring myself to wake her from her slumber, knowing she must be exhausted after everything she had been through.

Resolving to wait until she woke up naturally, I decided to take a shower myself. After freshening up, I returned to the bed and lay down beside Isabelle, careful not to disturb her. As I settled next to her, I noticed she was tightly clutching onto my shirt. It filled my heart with warmth and a sense of protectiveness.

Cooing at her adorable display, I marveled at the trust she had placed in me. With a gentle touch, I brushed a stray strand of hair away from her face, silently promising to be there for her, to provide safety and love in every way possible.

With a sense of caution, I picked up my phone, seeing that it was my second son calling. I answered the call, mindful of maintaining a calm and collected demeanor.

"Father, what's taking you so long to arrive?" Salvatore's irritation seeped through his words, his impatience palpable.

"There were unforeseen complications on my way home," I replied, my tone cold and irritated voice.

"Alright, hurry up. The twins are causing trouble again," Salvatore snapped, his anger evident in his voice.

"I will be home tomorrow. Make sure that all of your brothers are there when I arrive. I have a surprise for them," I instructed him, keeping the details of my actions hidden for now.

Before Salvatore could press for more information, I abruptly ended the call, feeling the need to prioritize my attention on Isabelle. She was my priority, and ensuring her safety and well-being took precedence over any familial obligations.

I nestled closer to Isabelle, cherishing her presence and the trust she had placed in me. With a sense of calm determination, I closed my eyes, ready to face the challenges that awaited us. Tomorrow would bring a new chapter, one where justice would be served, and I would fulfill my promise to protect Isabelle at any cost.

As I slowly woke up, I felt a gentle poking sensation on my cheeks. Opening my eyes, I saw Isabelle, the angel who had brought a newfound sense of peace to my life. It was the first time in years that I had experienced such a peaceful slumber.

"Love, let's sleep a little longer. It's still too early," I murmured, my voice laced with the remnants of sleep.

But Isabelle, wriggling in my embrace, voiced her urgent need. "I w-wanna p-pee, m-mister," she said, her discomfort evident.

Understanding her predicament, I nodded with a smile. "Alright, let's get you to the bathroom," I replied, gently releasing my hold on her.

We made our way to the bathroom, ensuring her needs were met with care and patience. Once she was done, we descended the stairs, the aroma of a prepared breakfast wafting through the air. The table was set, ready to welcome us.

Since we didn't have a booster seat, I settled Isabelle on my lap, making sure she was comfortable and secure. Placing our plates in front of us, I noticed that she hadn't started eating her food.

"I d-don't k-know how t-to use t-thewse," Isabelle pointed shyly at the utensils, her uncertainty palpable.

"It's fine, love. I will feed you, okay?" I reassured her with a warm smile, understanding that she might still be adjusting to unfamiliar customs.

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