The Game

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A/N: Here's more on Game Day but from Charles's POV.


"Charles, how's the automated validations project going?"

Charles, who was zoned out during his team's daily meeting, realized his boss, Jack, expected an answer. "Um, the project's going well. Made a lot of progress this week, so I have a call with Janet early next week to review what I have so far."

"Okay, send me that meeting invite. I'd like to be a part of it. You have time at 5 today to catch me up with all you've done?"

5 PM on a Friday? Hell no, Charles thought, especially after working late last night. But he couldn't say that to his boss. He had to give a diplomatic answer. "Can't Jack. Remember I'm working half day today?"

"Right, Cataleya's big game is today; I forgot. I can't believe she's already in high school; time flies! I remember when you used to bring her to the office; she was so tiny." Jack reminisced. "You think you can bring her back this year during your next visit here?" He lightheartedly added.

"As much as Cataleya would love to miss school, she hasn't been in New York since we left." Since Rosa died was the underlying message to Charles's statement.

It was a touchy subject for the two Escobars. Cataleya could talk about her mom and the memories they shared without a problem most of the time. But she never liked talking about the day Rosa died. She argued that she would rather focus on the good memories she had of Rosa.

However, as much as Cataleya liked to act like she was fine, Charles knew it deeply affected her since she still hadn't stepped foot in New York since the accident. He just wished she would talk about it with him like how she did when she first moved to Ohio.

Charles didn't realize he was zoning out again until he heard his boss clear his throat.

"Gotcha," Jack started awkwardly. "Well, I have some time around 11 today if you want to go over the validations with me?"

He didn't want to, but he knew he could not say no. "Sure, Jack. I'll see you then."


After meeting with his boss, which was supposed to only take about 15 minutes but instead took an hour, Charles logged off for the day. He was going to the kitchen to make himself a second cup of café con leche when he got a call from Rosa's father, Juan.

He looked at the incoming call, debating whether or not he wanted to ruin his day by speaking to Juan.

He wanted to continue having a good day, so he ignored the call.

However, he wasn't able to enjoy his peace much longer as Juan kept calling him. When he decided to pick up the call, Juan spoke first. "Done ignoring my calls?"

"You know I work, right? So, sorry Juan that I didn't drop what I was doing to pick up your call." Charles retorted with attitude.

"Why are you still working? Your daughter has a big game today; you should be getting ready for it. Actually, you should already be there." Juan lectured Charles.

"Just like how you were there for all of Rosa's performances when she was a kid? Oh wait, you weren't." Charles was usually calm and collected, but Juan knew how to push his buttons.

"Listen here, cabrón (asshole). Rosa was able to have all those performances because I had to work my ass off running the bodega. I didn't have a fancy college degree like you where I was able to get a nice job with benefits, good pay, and days off, which you should've taken off today."

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