12. Mattress

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Santana was right.

Cataleya was a dumbass.

Looking forward to it. See you Monday. Why did she think it was a good idea to say that other than that she was a dumbass?

Because of it, practice was hell. However, Cataleya made it through without a complaint and with a fake smile, which she was now becoming used to having as a Cheerio.

While some of the stunts came easy to her, there were some that she needed to practice more. Even though she took tumbling classes throughout her childhood, she hadn't been practicing as much as she used to. So now that it was required of her to do all types of flips, she regretted not keeping up with her training.

But she was making up for it now as Cataleya practiced constantly. She and her dad bought mats so that she could practice in the studio.

Between practicing, doing homework, helping Miss Jean at the library, and getting ready for her driver's license, Cataleya was busy.

Busy to hang out with the glee club.

While Cataleya tried to push Coach Sue's secrets to the back of her mind, they would seep through at times, the guilt following with it, especially when one of the glee members talked about sectionals.

In those moments, Cataleya would stay quiet or make up an excuse that she needed to head out. She could tell some found it weird, but no one seemed to comment since she wasn't a part of the club and they knew she had other friends besides them.

One of them included John, who needed her help.

John wanted to learn bachata, and without a second thought, she said yes, even though she could only do it during her free period since she spent lunch with Miss Jean this past week.

Currently, Cataleya was headed to her locker when she saw Abby by it. "Abby?" Abby looked at her weirdly. "Abby, everything okay?" Cataleya asked, which finally got Abby's attention.

"Sorry," Abby apologized, "it's just so weird seeing you as a Cheerio. I mean you look good, but it's just weird, knowing who you are."

"Yeah, I've gotten that a lot." And she did. As well as guys asking her out. But a quick fuck off would make them realize who they were talking to, and they would immediately stop. "So what's up?"

"Oh right, I just wanted to remind you again about Friday. I texted you, but you never responded. You're coming right?" Abby questioned.

With yearbook photos this week, the girls' soccer team was scheduled on Friday to take it. Abby had sent a message to the girls about it, but Cataleya forgot to respond, having to do so now.


"Again!?" Abby expressed in disbelief. "This is the second year in a row! Why aren't you coming?"

"First off, I was sick last year," Cataleya explained as she opened her locker. "And didn't they take photos of us during the championship game? Why are they taking more photos of us?" Cataleya cross-questioned, hoping to distract Abby.

"Because Coach got us four pages in the yearbook." Cataleya widened her eyes at Abby's revelation. "Yeah, so please be there. Or else I will beat-"

"Or else nothing, Abs," Lucy Sanchez corrected as she walked up to them. "Because you wouldn't want to do anything to ruin your UCLA scholarship, right?"

Lucy was one of the Cheerios in charge of getting Cataleya all caught up. Surprisingly, the two got along. Cataleya didn't think any of the Cheerios besides Santana and Brittany would talk to her, but some did. Some still gave Cataleya the cold shoulder, but Cataleya gladly ignored them.

The Girl Who Didn't Join Glee ClubWhere stories live. Discover now