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"No, No ma'am, Please! One more minute please!" I turned hiding my paper from the rakshashni who was here to steal my paper

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"No, No ma'am, Please! One more minute please!" I turned hiding my paper from the rakshashni who was here to steal my paper.

"Ms. Sharma, What attitude is this?" She complained, settling her glasses on and narrowing her eyes on me.

My lips almost lifted in a sneer but I controlled it with a tight lipped smile looking up at her with star puppy eyes, still continuing to write at a pace that I knew the handwriting will be horrible. "Ma'am, the time isn't over yet! Look look at that!"

I tried to persuade her when she was about to snatch the paper from my hands, mentally cursing her.

Ghuusat Aurat, Do minute nahi de sakti kya?!

"Ma'am see na, Aarushi and Archita have even finished their paper, why don't you collect their's first, let me write please!" I pulled my paper back, begging her over and over again.

"Siya, this is enough. Hand me the paper, now." She sternly commanded making me sigh, as I handed my paper to her. A frown on my face as she snootily turned away with my answer sheet in her hand. I cursed internally, Rakshashni, even the time wasn't over yet!

After grabbing my tote back, and packing my stuff I got up, stomping out of the classroom. "Siyu, wait!" I halted turning around, seeing my best friend running towards me. I huffed out my bang that rested in front of my face. She reached over holding my arm as she leaned against me, "Let it be! Its not like it's the first time she did this."

I complained, "Exactly, Zoya! She is so mean, she always snatches my paper before it is finished!" I pouted, "I knew all the answers, but that woman just took it before the time was even over!"

Zoya nodded, soothingly speaking up, "It's okay baby, it's not your fault." I burst out, "Ofcourse it's not! Its all the fault of Mrs. Julie!"

I ranted as we walked towards the bustand, "You know, it's because of her my score is lacking so bad! She always wants to leave exactly at the time and collects our papers first!"

Zoya giggled, "Siya, calm down now. The paper is over now, what's the use of cursing her huh?" I huffed at her, "I will feel good when I complaint." Zoya laughed, looking at me teasingly, " I bet you will eat uncle's head because of the paper."

I swatted the hair away from my face again as I declared with a huge grin, "I will, so that he blames her and not me!"

We both giggled, "Haww, Siyu that's so naughty of you" I narrowed my eyes playfully at her, "Aren't you going to cry infront of uncle?" She nodded laughing, she defended herself, "I don't want to be scolded, Siyu."

We both burst into small laughter making others stare at us. "Let's celebrate the last paper!" Zoya chirped after we calmed down with a small smile on her lips. "Icecream. Chocolate chips, with chocolate syrup on top." I declared. She nodded excitedly, "Burgers as well!"

I grinned, "Was that even a question, Zo?"

She shook her head smiling, "See, it's so easy to get you to be okay." I fluttered my eyes at her, "Ain't I such a sweetheart?" She giggled, "Say that to boys, they will surely fall for you."

I blushed, hitting her arm, "Haww, what are you even saying! I can't have a boyfriend, what about my future ke 'pati parmeshwar'?" I put a hand on my forehead, dramatically.

She giggled, "He prolly will run away seeing you."

I hit her, repeatedly, "Then your husband will!"

She ran about and I continued chasing her, laughing. "Zoya, chal wapis aaja! I need to get back home and pack up!" I finally caught upto her, she nodded, "Icecream and burgers on the way!"

A small smile made its way on my face as I nodded, "Ofcourse, it's going to be our last meal together for now...,"

Zoya stopped walking, turning to me a glare finding it's way in her gaze as she hissed, "No talks about that, Siya!" My smile slipped as I stared at her. We made a promise to not talk about the goodbye right above our head. Zoya..., she will be leaving abroad after today, her parents had already shifted and she would be going tonight by the last flight of this month, whilst I will leave for Jodhpur back at my dad's place.

When the realisation dawned upon us that we might not meet up after the last paper, we cried till our tears dried and we couldn't speak any more because of a sore throat. That day we made a promise,

"We will leave like we will be back by the monsoon for the next semester. No tears, No cries we will meet again. We won't be lost, may even high winds blow, our friendship would remain strong."

I knew, this time when I return back to Jaipur, it will be only me alone in our one bedroom apartment. The bed beside me would be cold, our cupboard section which we always used to fight for will be mine. A bitter feeling rose up in me, and I blinked my eyes fearfully, before rueful smile made its way on my face, and I smiled, "Ofcourse! Let's get our food before heading back to home!"

I smiled brightly, trying to control my tears.

We will be back again.

Zoya followed me as I started getting on the bus, ranting. "Zoya remeber to turn of the water knob, not like last time." I gave her a stern expression, as I spoke continuously, "Turn off the light, fans and the Airconditioner when leaving, close the doors properly."

Zoya smiled at me softly, "Ofcourse, ofcourse."

I huffed, "I swear to god I will kill you if you leave the water knob on this time when I get back. I won't share my notes if you try takin---" I stopped as the realisation dawned on me, looking at Zoya's tearful eyes.

She won't be here.

She suddenly jumped in my arms, as my eyes turned tearful, "I will miss you, S-siya." My breath lodged in my throat as I hugged her back, tightly. My friend, My support and my saviour here, she wont be here.

My hands clenched around her, and I spoke up with a heavy voice, "Don't forget your meds, You dumbo. I will--"

My voice hitched and I buried my face in her embrace, "I will feed you 10--no 20 chillies!" Tears left my eyes continuously, and I felt her sobbing silently against me, "Call me once you reach, As well! I will fly to you if you forget me, Zo!"

I threatened, still a crying mess.

She let out a teary chuckle, nodding, "Ofcourse, my siyu, I wouldn't want to die before my honeymoon." She joked, making me laugh out with tears still sliding down my eyes. I hugged her one last time when the honk of the bus sounded again, I whispered, "I will miss you, Zo."

She choked on her sob, nodding. "You better do...," She wiped her tears, "So I would be able to say I was not totally alone in India to abbu proudly."

I squinted my eyes, wiping down the tears, "You better miss me as well, or I will airfry you." I threatened, making her cry louder.

She nodded promising when the last honk was given, and I quickly ran in the bus without looking back. How could face her again, when I knew she won't be around me again?

When my phone pinged, I looked down to see a message from Zoya, "Marry soon, So I can meet you again." A small chuckle left my lips before I felt tears leaving my eyes again and I looked back as the bus started to see her still standing there grinning to me. She roughly wiped her tears, grinning as she agressively waved her hand.

I grinned back through the tears waving back, and when she finally left my sight, my smile slipped as the tears gained their dominance over my face.

My bestfriend, I will miss her.


Boring first chapter I know, but please leave your votes and comments. I would love to hear your responses.

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