Chapter 4

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Rudra Singh Oberoi stared at the image of all the three brothers hugging happily. He missed them a lot, he had changed over the years. He had always been the carefree one and his brothers used to handle everything. He believes that caused him to loose the one he loved so much. Shivaay bhaiya was his Superman but O was his father figure. He knew how his brother had suffered the blunt edge only to keep them away from misery. He could no longer continue to be that Rudy who was childish and careless. That day he was confused as to what to do. Everyone was in their own world and doing as they wished, he stood there not knowing what to do. If only he  had been more sensible and took a stand for his O, he would have been with them now. After O left, everything changed, everyone was in their own hell. He became more practical and started handling everyone as possible as him. Shivaay bhaiya was in guilt and trying to find O desperately. Prinku had been furious after she came know about everything. No one had seen her like that before but eventually she also forgive everyone. Shivaay bhaiya had decided to shift to Delhi, he has been sad but later realised that it would be better for Shivaay bhaiya and he should start handling the responsibilities. Rudra with Shakti now handled some of the branches and his bhaiya managed the rest from Delhi.

Rudy was astonished when he saw his father in a miserable state in O's studio. He had for the first time saw the man cry and express his emotions other than anger. Slowly they started understanding each other and jelled up. He was happy when his parents reunited and only wished O would have been there.

Today, they are going to have an important deal with one of the most intimidating businessman. Shivaay bhaiya had already reached the day before with Bhabhi and Ansh for handling the official matters for this deal.

Shivaay Singh Oberoi had always tried to keep his family safe and together yet now his family had shattered. He loved his brothers the most, he still couldn't believe how he didn't stand up for Om that day. He had panicked thinking Om took drugs again and had been disappointed that he couldn't keep his promise. He still feel angry on himself from not trusting his brother. He had been completely immersed in his world that day that he couldn't hear what the family was doing. The next day when Omkara left, he felt numb and empty. He was shocked when he saw his Bade Papa prove Om's innocence. He had been trying to find Om but was dejected getting only failure. He had later decided to shift to Delhi and handle the business from there and search for Om. He couldn't stay there and see how his family is miserable. Daadi had denied him first but he convinced her and promised to come frequently. Anika had came to his life as his PA. They had a jerky start but fell in love with each other later. She has been with him and consoled him.

Today was a very important day as the deal really mattered to him. It was after lot of struggle he made managed to fix it up with Rikara Industries. This Empire had become so powerful in the last few years, the owner of his empire is Mr. OSO who is not seen by much people. It is heard that his PA cum manager deals most meetings. It is because they are taking over the Singhania Industry, they would be able to meet him today.

"Bhaiya is everything ready?" Rudy asked interrupting his thoughts. "Yes Rudy. Hope everything went well" . "Don't worry Bhaiya everything will go well"  it was Prinku who said it this time. She had came to stay for a week due to Daadi's request with her husband Ranveer and six year old daughter Inaya.

He smiled at her. "Dad agreed to come?" Rudy asked seeing Tej in his business suit. "Yes, I insisted" said Shivaay. Tej, Shakti, Shivaay and Rudy left the Mansion for the most awaited deal.

Priyanka Ranveer Singh was always know to be sweet, silent and innocent girl. She was the only sister to three elder brothers and was always loved by them. But she was more emotionally connected to her Om bhaiya. He was the father figure in her life and always supported her emotionally. He understood her emotions well and she too understood his more than anyone in the family.

She was devastated when she found what happened in her absence. She wished she could have been there that day to support him. She know he could never do anything like that and he would never break his promise. When they first informed her about the happenings she had been furious and had yelled at everyone for hurting him. She had for the first time stepped out of her shell and spoke to everyone. She questioned them and counted every single thing her Om bhaiya had done for each and every one in the family.

Eventually over time, seeing everyone living, regretting their actions she had forgiven them.
She wished to see him, hug him and cry in his embrace. She walked inside wiping the lone tear.


The Oberoi men felt awkward as they sat in the board room. Nothing had prepared them to meet Ridhima who had tagged along with her fiance Mr. Vikas Shergill. After Om and Ridhima's break up, they never bothered to find where she was and now facing her like this had brought back the bitter memories. Tej was again reminded about his actions but silently he was happy that Ridhima was out of Om's life as she was money minded.

The door opened and in entered a very handsome man in suit. He walked to the front of the table and stood there.

"Good morning everyone. I am Neil Shah, Manager cum PA of OSO. Boss will be reaching shortly, till then we can complete the formalities" said the man who introduced himself as Neil.

After completing the formalities, they sat there waiting. The door was opened yet again and entered the bodyguards who surrounded the board room. Then entered a familiar figure in unfamiliar looks and aura.

Omkara wore a black tuxedo, his hair tied in a bun and face cold and emotionless. His pace slow and sharp, his aura screamed danger for those who mess with him. He elegantly walked towards the front and occupied his seat. The room was completely silent .

The Oberoi men watched in shock as they found the person they have been looking for but he no longer felt like the Omkara they know. Ridhima was watching him with her mouth agape. She never even in her dreams had thought to meet him like this. She had heard faintly about how the middle Oberoi had went missing ten years ago but to see him back that too as such a powerful businessman feels so unbelievable.

Omkara waved his hand at Neil who informed them to start the meeting. Omkara was silent during the presentation while Neil took the talking part. After the presentation was finished Omkara said in his cold voice as he leaned back in his chair "Mr. Shergill why should I say yes for this deal if there is nothing extraordinary in it".

"But.." he was cut off by Omkara. "30% profit of your company and we can move forward otherwise the deal is off. You have two days time".

"Omkara.." Ridhima tries to talk but stop seeing the intimidating look pointed towards her that sents shivers down her spine not in a good way." It's OSO " Omkara said in very icey tone. Ridhima backed understanding that one wrong move can cause her trouble.

After signing the contract everybody left the room except for the Oberoi men. They were shocked beyond their beliefs seeing this Omkara. Tej before had always wanted his son to lead his business, but now seeing his son who turned so cold and emotionless he doesn't know what to say. Tears welled up his eyes as he saw this. Rudra too had tears, he wanted nothing but to hug his O and wanted his brother to be like before with him.

Shakti was feeling guilty as he was always silent to his nephew's suffering and today he could no longer recognise him for the sweet boy he once used to be. Shivaay was Overwhelmed. He wanted to talk so much and ask for sorry but words couldn't come out of his mouth.

Seeing the atmosphere turning tense Neil instructed the bodyguards to leave the room. Omkara stood up to leave but was stoped by a voice.

"Om" Shivaay called out to him. Omkara's eyes meet his for the first time after they meet today. It was not the cold and icey one but a blank stare. He couldn't read what that meant.

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