"Such a lovely home you have Mrs.Whitmore," I say to her with a smile.

"Courtney is upstairs you two." Mrs.Whitmore says to Rick and I and I nod my head and he just didn't acknowledge her.

"You should be more polite to adults," I say to him lowly, and he stops me in my tracks just as I got up to the stairs almost falling, but he quickly put his arm behind my back to help me not fall down the stairs. He pulls me close to him, "And you should be more quiet." He says harshly and lets go of me almost instantly away from the stairs.

With that, he turns back around and opens Courtney's door.

"Hey, guys!" Courtney says as Rick and I walk in, I was still blushing from Rick touching me and just being so close to me.

I waved a Courtney and Rick said nothing and sat next to Beth who was across from me.

"Well, now that we are all here, why don't we let  Ray pick the movie!" Courtney says as she shows me the DVD's she had.

I looked through them and I saw a perfect one for us to watch. White chicks, it was a classic, fun for everyone to enjoy even Rick.

"Seriously?" Rick says and shakes his head in annoyance.

"Yes! We can totally watch this movie!" Yolanda says in a upbeat tone which was totally out of character for her, but maybe she just loves this movie.

Just as Courtney was about to put the movie on, her phone buzzes and her smile goes away.

"Guys, we have to go." She says in a panic, which causes me to panic because I have no idea what is going on.

Everyone gets up, and leaves suddenly, Courtney stops Rick from going though, "Rick, you should stay here. Keep Leora company, plus we can't have that accident happening like last time. We'll be right back Ray. I'm sorry, it's a family emergency.." she says quickly and before Rick or I could reply she shuts the door and I could hear them leaving the house.

"And then there were two." I say to Rick in a quiet tone.

"I can't believe they left me stuck here with you.." he says irritated.

I pretend not to get offended, and so I choose to ignore him and watch the movie.

It got to the scene where one of the brothers was lactose intolerant and so he was pooping a lot. I started laughing uncontrollably, Rick was sitting on Courtney's bed, and even I heard him laughing.

"Have you seen this movie before?" I ask him not looking away from the screen.

"I haven't, but let there be no mistake, me laughing was not an invitation for you to talk to me." He says rudely, and I sigh.

"Why are you so confusing.." I say to him still looking at the screen.

Then I could feel his presence and body heat near me, he pulls me up from the floor and to my feet.
"What do you mean?" He asks trying to look into my eyes, his eyes were cold, but I felt like I could get lost in his brown eyes. I was thankful that my eyes were black so he couldn't see my pupils.

"Midnight.." he says which causes shivers down my spine with how close he was to me.

"What?" I ask him confused.

"Your eyes remind me of Midnight." He answers, but his gaze turns cold once again.

"What do you mean though, by confusing?" He asks me again and I shrug.

I look away from him, "You act like my friend, you stick up for me, and yet you're so mean to me. Why?" I ask him as my blush still stayed on my face.

He turns me back around now smirking at me, "I like to play with toys. The power I have over you, it's, what's the word... refreshing. You probably think I like you also, but Leora, I don't even give you a second thought once your presence is gone. You're nothing but a toy to me." He says honestly, he touched my face as he insults me so flirty.

He then leans in even more into me, our lips now brushing each others. His lips gave me tingles down my whole body. Something I never felt before, not even with Cameron.

I felt so many sparks going through me, but inside me and not on the outside.

His lips curl into a flirty smile and he grabs my hips and pulls me away from him.

"Pathetic, even after I tell you the truth, I still hold so much power against you Ray." He says once he pulled me away from him.

I wanted so badly to kiss him, but his words hurt. To know that all I was to him was a game, just a toy to play with.

Rick and I had that conversation which felt like a few minutes but lasted the rest of the movie.

"Don't forget that your just a toy to me." He says again as he turns off the movie since it was already over.

I didn't say anything, in return.

Midnight - Stargirl (Rick Tyler Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now