37 | Glimmer of White

Start from the beginning

Earlier, in the ballroom, after Dal-ae had escaped, the black smoke dissipated and with it the chaos. But the gathering needed to be addressed and while Taeyong wanted nothing but to get out of there, he was the Vampire Lord. Courteously, he explained to the vampires that it was time to go home and while his word was enough to disperse them, they knew something was up. The member had met Taeyong at the steps of the pavilion and followed him to the Night Mansion on his orders.

Taeyong was standing on the topmost step of the staircase, staring out the window into the stormy sky. His clothes were still stained in rain and his shirt was still hanging loose over his shoulders.

'My Lord.' Doyoung came rushing to the Entrance Hall. 'A maid has informed me that Senior Taeil is not in his cell anymore.'

'He escaped?' It was Haechan who spoke.

'I don't think Senior Taeil is the kind to escape,' Mark said quietly.

'He was taken away, wasn't he?' Johnny asked, and with a sigh, Taeyong turned around and nodded.

'But why would Senior Taeil be taken away?' Jungwoo asked.

'Information,' Johnny said. 'There are only few in this realm who know as much as Senior Taeil does.'

'This is all Yuta's doing,' Jungwoo said. 'That black smoke tonight too. What is going on? Did he take your Familiar too, my Lord?'

Doyoung gave Taeyong a look but remained quiet. Taking a step forward towards the edge of the staircase, Taeyong clasped his hands behind his back and bowed his head.

'I want to apologise to you all,' he said solemnly. 'As your Lord, I have failed you. I could not see what was right in front of me.'

Jungwoo was just about to protest when Johnny stopped him.

'We were right in suspecting Yuta but he was not the only one,' Taeyong said. 'My Familiar was an accomplice to Yuta, living in the Night Mansion and helping him from the inside. She was not taken but escaped tonight after failing to kill me.'

When gasps erupted from the members, Taeyong paused to take a look at Doyoung, who nodded at him to continue despite his own shock.

'But I do not blame her for her betrayal and ask you for the same for she has been deceived by Yuta too and it was my incompetency that I failed to see what was right there in front of me,' he said. 'I do not wish to drag anyone further into this mess, so I free you all of your position in the Special Unit.'

In the silence that followed they heard the thunder roar through the sky and the first patter of the rain against the window panes. The torches crinkled in their holder and burned orange as a songbird sang a haunting melody outside.

It was Haechan who stepped forward first and with the same look that he had when he'd volunteered for the Special Unit as its first member months ago, he spoke, 'My Lord, we are not going anywhere.'

'Haechan,' scolded Mark, averting his gaze away from Taeyong. 'You can't speak for everyone. It is rude.'

'Are you leaving then?' the younger returned.

'I didn't say that, but let the others speak for themselves,' Mark hissed and stepped forward to pull Haechan back.

Solemn as he was, Taeyong smiled nonetheless.

'My Lord, we are all here,' Jungwoo said.

Johnny stepped forward. 'What is your order, my Lord?'

Taeyong nodded, beaming at the members. 'Very well, then,' he said. 'For today, rest. It has been a long day. Tomorrow, we go to Court and take Yuta down.'

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