Hurt From Within

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Lloyd's povs

I woke up with a groan. Just then, my father entered the room."Good morning, son."He said. I groaned again. He sighed."I know you are thinking about her."He said quietly."How?!"I demanded."Because I am your father. And I heard you last night."He replied."You were eavesdropping?!"I yelled."Well, I could hear you anyway. But son, you must let your feelings get in the way."He said."They won't. And I don't need your help. I have been doing just fine."I said."I am just looking after you. I don't want to see you get hurt."He said. I laughed at him. He raised his eyebrow."What?!"He demanded."Oh yeah?! You were the same person who had stabbed me?! And you want to keep ME safe?!"I yelled. I pushed him aside."Face it. You don't care about me. I am just a mistake. Isn't that why you left me?!"I demanded."I left you because of the evil in me."He said."You were so wrapped up in hurting me, you didn't even notice that you hurt me anyway! By leaving me."I said."Lloyd-"Forget it. I have no time. Like you said, I can't let those feelings get in the way of what I need to do."I said. I then left the room.

Garmadon's povs

Lloyd left me in the room. I couldn't quite explain what I was feeling. Was it guilt? Guilt of leaving the love of my life and my child? But I had no choice. I could have hurt my son....."Oh, but you already have." Said a voice. I have been hearing voices in my head ever since that snake bit me as a child, I figured that it was the evil in me talking. It doesn't matter. Because the voice was right. I hurt my son. Many times, it was the one thing I feared most once Lloyd was born. But why do I care? Caring showed weakness. So why did I care? Why do I care that I hurt my son? Why do I care that I left him at a young age? Why? I shook all my thoughts off me. I must not show weakness. Must not.

Lloyd's povs

I started to walk out of the lair, walking turned into running. I ran out as fast as I could, and when I did, I stopped. I don't know why, but I started to cry."No, no, no! Hold it in! You can't deal with these feelings! Not now!"I yelled. First my feelings for Harumi, and now my father. I fell on my knees. Stop this at once! You are stronger than this! You are not weak! Despite the thoughts in my head, I continued to cry. Even when I was good, I hated crying. Mostly because I did it a lot after I was sure everyone was asleep. Sometimes I cried because of my father's death, and sometimes it was because of the monster my father became. And another was the betrayal of Harumi, and her death. I still hated the feeling and still do. But what I hated more is that if someone saw me."Why? Why do I care? Why do I care that my father left me?!"I demanded in the sky."Because there is still good in you." said a voice in my head. The voice was right. 

Even though there was evil growing inside me, there was still good in me. And maybe there always will be. I am half oni and dragon. I am not full of each one, nor am I human. Or at least a full human. I decided to take a walk, to clear my head. I went back inside to grab a jacket so no one would know who I was. I walked for what seemed like hours. I did not stop though. I kept going. I needed to. I couldn't dare face anyone right now, let alone my father. I looked at the sky."I can't do this. I can't become a villain. I love this city too much to hurt it. The evil in me is strong. But the good in me is stronger."I said. Something made a sound. I looked to see a sign. It said: You know what you have to do."Okay. This is a bit creepy, but thanks, grandfather. I hope you can forgive me."I said. I then ran back to the lair.

I opened the door my father was in."I am sorry father. But this villain thing isn't working out. Sooooo Bye!"I said. He sighed."I am sorry, son. Please forgive me."He said. I didn't have time to react. He shot a gun at me. That made me fall to the ground, slowly, my eyes closed.

A few hours later......

I woke up in a cage."Okay! How many cages have I ended up in?!"I demanded bitterly."Son."Said my father when he walked in."Father."I said."Why are you doing this?!"I demanded."I knew it was a matter of time before it wore off. The dragon in you is too strong."He said."Are you going to put me in that tank again?!"I demanded."No, I can't. It would kill you if I did it the second time."He said."What do you care?"I asked."More than you think."He whispered."Well, what do you need me for?"I asked."You hurt my plans for far too long! Now, I will hurt what you care about! Your friends!"He cried out.

"No! Please! I will do anything! I will! I swear! Just don't hurt them!"I begged."Please. Don't hurt them! Kill me! Kill me instead!"I begged."You are right. What about Harumi?"He asked."What do you want?! I will do anything!"I yelled. Just then, my father's eyes became more red."I will take your request."He said. I looked at him in horror."But I am feeling generous! So, I will let you give a message to your friends. But if I find out that you are giving them too much information......well, it might be your end sooner than I have planned."He said bitterly. He laughed, his cold, evil laugh."We will stop you."I said."How?"He asked. He continued to laugh.

"Here."He said, handing me a recorder. He then left the room, but I knew he would be listening. I didn't really care about my life, but I cared about Harumi. I then started to record myself. When I was done, I pressed sent."I love you, and I am sorry."I said in a faint whisper.

Harumi's povs

"Anything?"I asked them."Wait! Look! We got a message! I think it's from Lloyd!"Exclaimed Nya."What?! Really?"I asked in joy. Nya played the recording. A second later Lloyd was shown up in the screen. But instead of his purple eyes that he had when I last saw him, they were now green. He's back! He's back! My thoughts screamed."

Hello everyone, Lloyd Garmadon. I just want to say that I am sorry. The past few days, I have not been myself. I was.....evil. But I am not anymore. And I just want to say....thank you. For all that you have done for me. Kai you taught me to be brave. Jay you taught me to laugh even if the place we are at is no joke. Cole you taught me to be strong. Zane you taught me to think things through. Nya you taught me to never give up. And Harumi, you taught me My going to do things that may harm me.....Might even KILL me. But I have to stay strong. My name is Lloyd Garmadon. Son of Misako and Lord Garmadon. Nephew and student of Wu. Grandson of the FSM. Brother. The green ninja. And Harumi, I love you. I wish I had to say that to you in person. The resistance never quits."He said. 

The recording had ended. No one dared say a word. Finally, Jay spoke."What are we going to do?"He asked."We can only hope that Lloyd will be safe."Said Wu. I ran up to Lloyd's room. I slammed the door."Please. Please don't die, Lloyd. I beg you."I said.

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