Where? And losing control

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A week after Lloyd went to fight his father..........

Nya's povs

"Did he pick up?"Asked Wu."No, he did not, master."Replied Zane. He sighed."I fear that Lloyd is in danger."He said."What makes you think that? I mean he's only been gone a WEEK! No word from him? What could have happened?"Asked Jay."Jay! This is serious!"I reminded him."What trouble could he have gotten?"Asked Misako."I don't know."Wu replied."Nya, maybe you should check on Harumi."Said Wu. I nodded. I went to Lloyd's room. To my surprise, Harumi was awake."Nya! Do you know where Lloyd is?"She asked once I entered."No, a week ago he disappeared."I replied."What?! Disappeared?!"She repeated."Yeah. Did he tell you anything, you can remember?"I asked.

She thought for a moment."I told him something. I told him that his father did this to me. And he told me that he would come back. That's all I remember."She told me. She then gasped."Oh no!"She cried. I gasped."Harumi? Do you mind staying here alone, just for a bit?"I asked. She nodded. I dashed to where the others were."Whoa! Nya! What is it?!"Asked Kai."I know what Lloyd did!"I said."What did he do?"Asked Wu."Harumi told him his father did that to her! He must have gone to fight him!"I cried. They all gasped."Last time......we barely could save him."Said Kai."We have to find him!"Misako cried."Yes you do. With me."Said a voice."Harumi?"I asked."I am the reason he is gone. I want to help you get him back."She said."But dear, you-"I don't care about me. Not anymore. I just want Lloyd safe."She cut off Misako."Please, let me help you."She begged."Alright, but if you double cross-"I won't. I promise. And one thing you should know about me is that I like to keep them."She said. We all nodded."Alright, where do you think they went?"Asked Cole.

Lloyd's povs

I woke up tied up with vengestone, in a cage. Wow. they must really want me to stay put."Ah, you are awake, green ninja."Said my father."Let me out, so I can give you what you deserve!"I screamed. He laughed at me."No. Besides, why fight you, when I can USE you!"He roared."I cannot believe I called you my father."I said.

"Now, let's not be rude."He said."I have every right to be rude! You almost killed me and now, Harumi! After everything she did to help you!"I yelled."She only did it to get revenge on you! But I could see that she loved you."He said."If that's true, then why-"Didn't I hurt her? Oh I did. I choked her."He replied."You....what?!"I demanded. He grinned."Ahh. There it is. The oni. Such a powerful being inside you. More powerful than I've seen in years. I can work with it."He said.

"Is this why you did this? To get to my powers?"I demanded."No, my plan was to kill you. But alas, everything can't go to plan."He explained. My heart shattered. He wanted to KILL me! My father really didn't care. At least not anymore."You are a monster! A monster!"I screamed. He only laughed again."Maybe. But not as a monster that you will be."He said."What do you mean?"I asked."You will see. They will all see, how their beloved green ninja will become the next greatest villain of Ninjago!"He said."I will resist you till the last of my breath!"I yelled."Didn't you want to be just like me? When you were a child? Where is that spark that you had?"He asked."If that "spark" was foolishness, then it is gone! I had now known that if I became evil, that millions would die! People shouldn't suffer, father!"I yelled.

He laughed."But that is the cycle of life! People must die in order to be born. You know, blah, blah, blah!"He said."What are you going to do?"I asked."Like I said: you will see, so will the rest. It is your turn to be the villain in this story."He laughed."I have fought evil within me before, Morro and my oni side. I can fight your evil!"I screamed."Mm, you fought your oni side? Not for long...Not for long indeed."He said."You should get some rest. You are going to need it."He told me. He then left me with my thoughts. What is my father going to do?

Harumi's povs

I gasped."I think I know!"I said. They all looked at me."When Nya and Lloyd escaped, Garmadon went where he was brought back, maybe he went there. Maybe that's where he and Lloyd fought!"I cried out."It's worth a shot. Ninja go bring my son back."Misako said."Don't worry, we will."Nya said. Me and the ninja went to search for them.

"This place didn't change, still creepy."Said Jay."Look around, maybe there are clues where Lloyd and Garmadon went."Said Nya. We all went to search for clues. I then found a green mask."I found something."I said in a small whisper, but loud enough for everyone to hear."What is it?"Nya asked." They all gasped. Lloyd's green mask."It's Lloyd's."Said Jay."No dummy, it's the tooth fairy's."Yelled Cole."Cole! Jay! Would you two cool it?"Demanded Kai."And this is coming from him."Muttered Nya."We need to focus!"Reminded Zane."Zane is right. Where do you think he took him?"Asked Kai."Harumi? Do you have any idea where?"Asked Nya."I am sorry, no I don't. This....is all my fault! If only I hadn't left!"I cried out. I didn't know what happened. It was like all my feelings burst out."It isn't your fault. You ran away because you thought that would be best. You ran away because I was a bitch."Nya!"Cried out Kai. Nya rolled her eyes."I guess what I am trying to say is.........I am sorry. I am sorry for everything. So what do you say? Want to start over and become real friends?"She asked."Of course! Now let's find Lloyd.....before it is too late."I said.

Lloyd's povs

What seemed like hours later, my father came back with.....Mr E?"Mr E?"I asked."Yes. I have regrouped the sons of Garmadon."He explained."But I didn't see any break out from the sons of Garmandon."I said confused."You didn't think I left alone without my loyal henchmen? I meant for you to see me."He said."Why?"I asked."Enough questions. Time to take action."He said."What do you mean?"I demanded. His only reply was laughter. What had happened to the caring father I once had? I was a fool to think that he could change. A complete fool."Take him out of the cage, but be careful so he doesn't escape. He is a ninja. And ninja escape like snakes. You never know what they will do."He ordered.

I stared at him."I hate you."I said. He grinned."That's what I like to hear."He said."Now get him out. Quickly! He needs to form into my greatest creation!"He yelled."Is this what I am to you? An experiment?"I demanded. He laughed."You were no more than a bratty child to me. Now, you are something more. Something I can work with!"He yelled. I couldn't take it anymore. I started to feel my oni powers return. I broke through the chains that tied me up. I then broke the cage. I hopped down and went to fight my father."Grab him!"Ordered my father. Just then, a bunch of sons of Garmandons came to take hold of me. I grinned. These weak thugs think they can grab me and take me away? Then they are mistaken. They charged at me. Failed. I used my oni powers, slamming them into the wall."It's just me and you."I said."No, sorry son."He said. Again, something hit my head. Again, my vision started to get weak. And again, all I could hear was my father's laughter...then nothing.

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