Evil arises

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(Art not mine)

Lloyd's povs

I was in a big tank when I woke up. Kind of like the one the Overlord put me in when he took my golden power away. There were tubes connected to my body, too. I groaned."Good morning. Sleep well?"Asked my father."How can I sleep when my father is such a monster!"I screamed."I won't be the only monster. There will be two monsters in the Garmadon family."He replied."Like I said: I will resist whatever evil you throw at me!"I yelled."I like to see you try."He said. He then pressed a button. Just then, the tubes started to send purple and black magic? As it hit my skin, I screamed in pain. As I screamed, my father laughed in delight. 

As the magic entered my body, I started to transform into the thing that I feared most. An oni. I started to grow horns, two other arms, and huge, sharp teeth. When it all stopped, I felt.......fine. Better than fine, great. How could this be? How could this be so wrong, when it feels so right. As I started to get up, my father said:"Yes, my son. Rise! How do you feel?"He asked."Ready to begin to do something evil."I replied. My father grinned."And evil we shall do."He said. That made me grin."When do we start?"I asked."As soon as possible."He said.

Harumi's povs

After we found Lloyd's mask, we decided to go home and get some rest for the day. I slept uneasily that night. I had a terrible feeling that something bad had happened to Lloyd. I tried to shut my eyes, trying to go to sleep. But I just couldn't."Lloyd where are you?!"I demanded. I stared out the window."Haven't you given enough?"I asked."Haven't I lost enough?"I asked again."Why can't we get a break?"I wondered."Lloyd, please. Fight whatever Garmadon throws at you. You are strong, caring, and most of all, forgiving. You forgave me, and I didn't even deserve it! That's what I love about you. I don't know if you feel that way. I know you used to, but now......"I drifted off."Just please be okay."I said.

Lloyd's povs

After my father got me out of the tank, he told me I should get some rest. I nodded. He then called Mr E to show me to my room. After he had led me to my room, he left. The room was huge and dark. It was painted black, with a huge bed, desk, mirror, and a closet. I laid on the bed, then closed my eyes, and went to sleep."There was NOTHING between us!"Harumi shouted. I looked at her, feeling foolish. She laughed."Put him in the cage."She ordered. The girl he had fallen for.....said there was nothing between them. My eyes opened. Harumi. At the thought of her name, bitterness shot through my veins. How could she do all of that to me? I then remembered, that I FORGAVE her for all of it! How foolish! But I am not foolish anymore, I am smarter. I know better than to forgive and to forget. I will make her pay.  And I will make her pay soon.

Harumi's povs

I woke up with the sun in my eyes. How can it be such a beautiful day out when the person I care about most is in danger? I groaned. I then slowly got out of bed, then went to get ready. After we all ate, we went to search for Lloyd again. Still no luck. I threw a rock at the lake really hard."It's okay-"No! No it's not! Stupid Garmadon! After everything I did! He really is a monster! A stup-"Hey!"Cried out Nya."We will find Lloyd. Like he said: Ninja never quits!"Said Nya."Well, I am not a ninja."I reminded her."I-I am the villain."I whispered."Not anymore. You may have done some pretty bad things, but you helped Lloyd. You helped him find love."Said Kai."Love? He doesn't love me."I said. They all looked at each other, as if I was crazy."Are you.......blind?"Asked Cole. I stood there in shock."What?!"I asked.

"Whenever you are in the room, Lloyd has a smile on his face. And a thing about true love is that once it is there, it can never disappear. Not even after everything. Not even after a broken heart."Explained Jay. Jay smiles at Nya. Nya smiles back."So the question is: Do you love Lloyd?"Asked Kai. I didn't reply right away. Not because I didn't know the answer, it was because I couldn't believe what I had just heard."Lloyd.....loves me?"I asked once again. They all nodded, still waiting for an answer."I do."I whispered. I felt like I was answering to Lloyd more than his friends. As we started to leave, Nya tugged my arm, and stared at me with her cold, blue eyes."Don't break his heart again. Just don't."She whispered harshly.

Which is stronger? Love or Oni?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora