"What?" He replies, completely confused probably because I haven't spoken to him in like six months.

"Listen I'll give you nine hundred quid if you can drive to Cornwall, pick up my girl and bring her back to me," I offer.

"Yeah sure," He says, sounding excited. "When?" He questions.

"Right now like you need to be already heading to your car," I clarify. "Shit okay," He says as I hear him ruffle about.

"Call me when you get to her," I instruct before hanging up and texting him the address.

"Call me when you get to her," I instruct before hanging up and texting him the address

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I sit on the pavement staring at the night sky, my jeans now coated in dirt.

A very out of place looking car pulls up and stops in front of me, the window slowly rolling down. "Harper?" The boy questions.

I nod, attempting to get up but a wave of dizziness hits me causing me to stumble. "Shit are you okay?" He questions, climbing out of his seat.

He attempts to usher me into the backseat but his eyes widen when he gets a better look at my head. "Fuck," He curses, staring at the blood. He closes the car door, leaving me in the backseat while he pulls out his phone.

He speaks worriedly into the phone while pacing back and forth next to the car until he eventually reopens my door.

"He wants to talk to you," He says, handing me the phone. "Harper?" A voice I recognise as Lucian's calls out. I'm about to put the phone to my ear when I realise that it's a facetime.

"Hey," I say sheepishly, knowing he's probably furious with me.

"What happened baby?" He frowns, staring at the drying blood on my forehead. "I'm okay," I say, trying to sound confident.

"Callum take her to the hospital," He demands. "Okay," Callum replies, starting up the car. "No I don't need to go I genuinely feel okay," I assure him. 

"Harper you're bleeding," He says, the concern evident in his voice. "It's fine, you guys can treat it when I get back," I smile.

"Okay fine, I'll see you soon." He sighs. "Bye!" I chirp before hanging up and giving Callum back his phone.

"You don't mind if I take a nap back here?" I yawn. "Knock yourself out,' He replies. I pull up my legs, lying down in the foetal position across the backseat before shutting my eyes.

The steady driving and the purr of the engine lulls me to sleep as I slowly drift off.

I start to stir when I feel someone's arms wrapped around me. I panic, struggling to get out of them. "Shh it's just me go back to sleep," I peak through my eyes and see that Lucian is carrying me through the still dark courtyard.

I start to whine when I feel him place me on the bed, removing me from the warm comfort of his arms. "I'm just getting a cloth," He whispers, heading to the bathroom and returning a second later.

He gently washes the blood off my face and picks the glass out of my hair. He doesn't ask me what happened, I think he already knows.

"I'm sorry," I whisper, tears brimming in my eyes at the thought of disappointing him. "I know," He replies quietly, tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear. "I trust you and if you wanted to spend your birthday down there then I'm sure you had your reasons." He reassures, leaning in to kiss the tip of my nose.

"But we will be celebrating tomorrow though, presents and all," He says sternly, causing me to giggle at his seriousness.

"I love you," I tell him honestly as I look up into his big green eyes.

"I love you too, so much."

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