Start from the beginning

Rob said, "I hate that I hurt you and I know you're humiliated, we feel terrible, we are sick about it."  I said, "yes I can see that."  I said that sarcastically and shot him a look.

Kris was a little bit worried I guess that Rob was maybe going to be jealous.  She said, "Rob babe, we want Sydney to be happy right, we want her to move on from you, that is what you want isn't it."  She gave him a look as if he wants sex he will say it is.

Rob said, "of course baby that is what I want for her. But she's just lying to you. And I hate that she feels the need to lie to you and me and your mom. But she is doing it because she is humiliated."

I said, "I am not. You are such a jerk"  Well ok, I am lying to them about having a man. But I am not lying about how hot Tom Hanson is.

Rob said, "Sydney I don't buy that you have this hot new love, that your partner and you are in love. I don't buy it. I know you. I know how much you loved me, and how you were planning on marrying me, being with me, I know that you are still so heartbroken over losing me."  I said, "Rob your ego is astounding. I mean you are not as hot as you and your girlfriend" She said, "Soon to be wife"  I said, "Whatever. You are not as hot as you think you are. My partner is a million times hotter than you. He is pure perfection in a man. I mean from his dark black hair, to the way it hangs in his eyes in the morning"  Rob said, "no way are you sleeping with him. I know you."

I said, "Every part of Tom's body is perfection, his abs, his shoulders, his Adam's apple, his jaw, his eyes."  I was getting hot and blushing just talking about Tom. Picturing him.

Kris said, "Rob she is not lying. I mean look at her blushing, she is definitely in love."

My aunt said, "yes she is for sure. honey what is his name."   I looked at them. I mean I started to say Tom. But panicked. What do I do. Because while all that is true about Tom, Ben is my date.

Rob said, "See she's lying, she can't even say his name."  I said, "his name is Tom Hanson"

Ok great, well that is ok, I  am just going to have to explain this fact to Ben, and tell him I'm sorry he is going to have to pretend to be Tom Hanson. I will figure out what to tell him as to why I lied about his name. I guess I will have to tell him also he has to pretend to be a cop.  Like Ben is going to think I'm crazy. He may realize he doesn't want to go with me to the wedding and back out. Oh God what have i done. If he backs out  I will have to go alone.  They will know I lied.

I sit there wishing I had kept my mouth shut.   I tell my aunt and Kris that I do not want to cause any problems at this wedding, I know it's their dream wedding, and my aunt then talks about how sorry she is that my mom is not here to plan my dream wedding, but she can't wait to get started on helping me plan my wedding I mean not to rush me, but just if I do ever get married to Tom or to any other man.  I say that I have to go. So I left.    Not so fast. I just thought I did.

Before I can back out, Rob is standing at the passenger side door.  I ignore him, but then that asshole stands in front of my car.  Oh please don't tempt me Rob. I would love to hit you with my car, but it might hurt my car.  I know that sounds bad. Especially since I'm a cop.  I roll down my window.  I said, "Asshole move."

Rob came to the window.  He said, "Syd I know that you are lying. I know that you aren't in love, nor are you having sex. I know you. There is no way that you are having sex with a guy this soon after we broke up.  I hate I hurt you. I hate that I caused this hatred for your cousin. I know she is grieving and so sad about it because you were like her sister. I didn't plan it Sydney. You have to know that."  I said, "Shut the F--- up. Just leave me alone."

Rob said, "Sydney I have tried to explain and I'm going to keep on until you accept my apology."  I said, "Rob get this through your egotistical head. I do not love you. I do not want you. I cringe at the thought that I slept with you. Just because I hate you, and hate Kris, does not mean that I am sad at losing you. It means I hate you and what kind of disgusting trash people you two are. has nothing to do about love or missing you."  I left

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