bonus: bro's famous

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A/N: you seriously can't think that dating THE Once-ler without any problems is possible, right? HE'S FAMOUS. LITERALLY.

Your pov:

As I walk out of the store I notice two girls staring at me, I wave at them but they look at me with a disgusted look.


I roll my eyes and start walking away, I notice a bunch of people staring at me, and trying to be secretive about following me. I stop and look behind me, a man with a camera is standing there, "Can I help you?" I ask him calmly.

"..." He doesn't reply..

"Are you the Once-ler's partner?" He asks and gets ready to take a photo, "uhm.. I think so, yeah, why?" I say, his eyes widen and he takes a photo of me with flash on, "ow- dude!" I stare at him.

The other people stare at me too with wide eyes, great, everyone knows.

I hurry back home while people are following me, "leave me alone" I tell them, they don't stop following me. Fucking idiots.

I hide in a bush while they're not looking, "where'd they go?" One person says, "I think they went that way?" Another one says, everyone follows the person.

I sigh and look up, everyone is gone.. I stand up and notice my arm is bleeding. Great now Once is gonna get worried. I try to get the leaves out of my hair but notice a couple looking for me.

I groan and run back home really fast.

I finally reach home and enter, but first I check if Once-ler is home, I don't see him. I rush to the bathroom and clean my wound.

I then hear footsteps coming closer, "Y/n?"

I look next to me and see Once-ler looking at me, his eyes widen.

"Y/n, the fuck happened?!" He asks me, worried. He walks closer and feels my face. "Why are there leaves in your hair?" He asks, he helps me get them out and notices the wound on my arm.

His eyes widen even more, "y/n?!"

I sigh, "I was just going out of the store when a man asked me if I'm dating you, I said yes and they started taking photos and following me. I hid in a bush, and I guess I got hurt." I shrug, he feels my arm and gets paper, he wipes he blood away and wraps a bandage around my arm.

"I'm so sorry that happened to you- I-.." he holds my hand and kisses it. "I'm so, so sorry my love." He kisses me, I can feel how worried he is, I can feel him shaking.

"It's fine.. you're famous, I should've known what was coming." I mumble. He stares at me and shakes his head, "NO! NO!!" He hugs me, "you don't deserve that, you don't have to feel like you need to hide." He says, I hug him back and his voice starts to shake.

"Honey, you don't have to cry.." I mumble and try to calm him down. I feel his head shake, "I love you." He says, his voice barely above a whisper.

"I love you too honey.." I reply, he breaks the hug off. he doesn't look like he's cried. I guess he was just scared.

"I'm never gonna let you go outside alone." He says, furrowing his eyebrows.

"It's fine, I'm okay!" I reply with a warm smile.

"NO! .. Uh... No." He says,

The next day I decide to go for a walk.

"Once, I'm gonna go for a walk." I say, he immediately walks over to me. "I'm coming with you!" He says.

I look at him confused, "okay... You don't have to." I say, he shakes his head, "no, I want to." He replies.

I sigh, "okay honey. Let's go." He kisses my check and holds my hand.

A/N: it's short, I know, but the next bonus chapter is gonna be longer I promise.

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