part 🖐️

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A/N: BE READY FOR SOME CORNY SHITTTTTTT, by the way I am not gonna write some extra stuff, like the last chapter. Let's js say it's gone 5 days and you guys are both crushing on each other 😭

The night sky hangs above, speckled with stars that twinkle like distant dreams. You find yourself strolling through the forest, guided by the soft glow of the moon. The air is cool, carrying a sense of tranquility as you lose yourself in the beauty of the night.

As you wander deeper into the woods, the sound of raindrops begins to serenade your ears. It starts as a gentle drizzle, but soon intensifies into a full-fledged downpour. Panicked, you search for shelter and spot a large tree standing tall amidst the rain-soaked surroundings.

You rush towards the tree, seeking refuge from the pouring rain. Under its protective branches, you find solace, the rain creating a symphony of sound around you. In this moment of respite, your mind drifts, and your thoughts intertwine with the fantasy of what could be.

Suddenly, the Onceler appears beside you, his presence both familiar and unexpected. The air crackles with tension, and you can feel the weight of his gaze upon you. Without a word, you both inch closer, your bodies gravitating towards each other as if pulled by an invisible force.

Eyes locked, you share a profound connection, and in that instant, your lips meet in a passionate, intimate kiss. The world fades away, replaced by a whirlwind of emotions and sensations. Time becomes irrelevant as the rain pours down, mirroring the intensity of your shared desire.

You jolt awake, heart pounding and breath ragged. A mixture of confusion and panic grips you as you realize that the kiss was nothing more than a figment of your imagination, a creation of your own mind.

You're not mad that the kiss wasn't real, but rather, you're frustrated and upset with yourself for visualizing something like that, especially with Once.

You check the time and realize you slept longer than usual. You rush downstairs and eat breakfast. You go change into new clothes and head out to the forest again.


On your way to the forest, your mind is consumed with thoughts of the dream you had. You can't help but wonder what would have transpired if you never woke up. Would it have been something sweet and memorable, or something entirely different?

Lost in your thoughts, you suddenly bump into the Onceler, causing you to jump in surprise. "Oh, hey, Once! Hi..." you stammer nervously, trying to regain your composure.

"Hey, Y/n. Are you okay? You seem a bit on edge," he asks, concern evident in his voice.

He reaches out and places his hand on your arm, but you instinctively pull away, feeling a mix of emotions. "I'm fine!" you protest, furrowing your eyebrows.

The Onceler gazes at you with a worried expression. "Are you... sure?" he asks, his voice filled with worry. You take a deep breath and nod, trying to convince both him and yourself. "Yes, yes, I'm completely fine," you lie.

"I just want you to know that if you ever need to talk, I'll be here for you," he says, attempting to offer his support. He starts to reach out his hand again, hesitating this time, remembering your previous reaction.

"Yeah..." you force a laugh, feeling a mix of gratitude and awkwardness. "I appreciate that. Thanks."

With a determined smile, the Onceler straightens his posture. "Well, I'll go sell my THNEED now," he declares, his voice filled with renewed optimism. You can see a hint of disappointment lingering in his eyes, but there's also a glimmer of excitement.

The Once-ler x Reader (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now