Part sex, I mean six, sorry

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A/N: I wanna let y'all know that in this chapter we've basically skipped til' after the short argument Lorax had with the family, because I really don't have time to find the script again, I'm sorry❤️

A/N: I wanna let y'all know that in this chapter we've basically skipped til' after the short argument Lorax had with the family, because I really don't have time to find the script again, I'm sorry❤️

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The mother turns her gaze towards you, her eyes filled with judgment. She approaches you, her expression questioning. "Who are you?" she asks, her tone sharp. You gather your composure and respond, "I'm Y/n." You try your best to remain confident and composed.

She narrows her eyes slightly, and the Onceler steps closer to you, wrapping his arm around your shoulders. "This is my..." he pauses, glancing between you and his mother, "Mom, this is Y/n. They're my friend," he says, his voice filled with a hint of uncertainty. You meet the mother's gaze and offer a nervous nod, trying to make a good impression.

"Oh, thank goodness," she exclaims, a wave of relief washing over her. "I thought you two were dating!" Laughter fills the air, and you join in nervously. "Why would anyone want to date him, right, Mom?" one of his brothers chimes in, attempting to be funny. The mother's expression shifts to anger as she shoots a stern look at her son. The brother immediately falls silent. "He was just kidding!" the mother quickly interjects, trying to diffuse the tension. She then pulls Onceler into a hug, and you instinctively take a step back, feeling a sting of hurt.

"I have to go," you say to Onceler, your voice slightly trembling. He looks at you with a mix of disappointment and understanding. "Alright, I'll see you later?" he asks, a glimmer of hope in his eyes. "Maybe," you reply softly, your emotions still raw. With that, you turn and begin your walk home, your heart heavy with conflicting feelings.


You arrive back home feeling a mix of emotions, and the encounter with Onceler's family keeps replaying in your mind

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You arrive back home feeling a mix of emotions, and the encounter with Onceler's family keeps replaying in your mind. Seeking solace, you head straight to the kitchen and grab a box of cereal from the pantry. With a bowl and spoon in hand, you pour yourself a serving of cereal, but you can't bring yourself to take a bite.

Instead, you find yourself sitting at the kitchen table, staring blankly at the bowl of untouched cereal. The words Onceler spoke"friends" echo in your mind, creating a sense of confusion and longing. You understand why he said it, given his family's reaction, but it doesn't diminish the weight of disappointment that settles within you.

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