Part El (eleven) 😠🩸🖐️

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A/N: well.... Uhmm.... Uh.....,..... The.. end? Also corny asf.....  I swear I hate endings like this. 💀 Btw I'm tired so if there's any spelling mistakes please let me know!

"Let's try to find more seeds" Onceler says confidently.

You both spend the next 2 months finding and planting more seeds and watering the trees. The air is fresher than before, and you can feel a sense of satisfaction running through your veins.

As the sun starts to set, you both stand by a cliff and stare at the sunset. "I can't thank you enough for opening my eyes," he says, breaking the silence. "I promise to be more careful."

You smile at him. "I know you will. And I'll be here to help you every step of the way."

He takes your hand and gives it a gentle squeeze.

Together, you watch as the trees grow taller and stronger, promising a better future for everyone.


After a year had passed, you found yourself wandering through the forest with Once-ler. As you strolled through the lush greenery of summertime, you couldn't help but wonder aloud, "what if we never planted those seeds?"

Once-ler stopped in his tracks, turning to gaze at you with a thoughtful expression. "Honestly? I'd probably lock myself away for years or something equally drastic," he replied with a carefree shrug.

You chuckled softly at his response, teasingly adding, "I have no doubt that I would have joined you in your tower of solitude."

But just as the two of you continued your trek, Once-ler suddenly knelt down to tie his shoe.

(Fuck you, no marriage, idiot. 😘)

Your heart skipped a beat at this sudden move, but quickly calmed down upon realizing that it wasn't a fucking proposal as you had momentarily feared.

"Thank goodness," you breathed out in relief, catching Once-ler's confusion when he looked up at you.

"What's wrong?" he asked, tilting his head in surprise.

You awkwardly laughed it off, admitting, "for a moment there, I honestly thought you were going to ask me to marry you or something."

You felt a wave of embarrassment at your own words, but then Once-ler laughed along with you.

"Oh- ah.. hah.. Not to be rude but, No way! I'm not ready for that kind of commitment just yet." he exclaimed in agreement, his cheeks flushing with embarrassment but not regret.

The two of you resumed your walk through the serene forest, content in each other's company.

You have a conversation about ... Uh... Idk.. stuff?...

Exhausted from walking, you decide to take a break under a tree.

Onceler notices and takes a seat next to you, offering his hand to hold.

"You know, you're absolutely stunning," he remarks. Caught off guard by the sudden compliment, you blush furiously and stammer out a thank you.

Onceler leans in and plants a kiss on your hand, his other hand gently nudging your chin upward.

Before you can process what's happening, his lips are on yours and your body responds with a quiet moan.

As the kiss breaks, Onceler grins mischievously and you realize he was just playing with you.

Your face flames with embarrassment, but a small smile tugs at your lips.

"Fuck you" you mumble. "When?" He asks, with a playful tone.

The Once-ler x Reader (Finished)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant