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Sage's eyes widened in horror when they ran towards the running tracks. The whole place was dark and there was none in sight, which should be a good thing, but that scared Sage as she remembered all the gossip she heard about the paranormal activities that happen in the darkness.

Gideon looked at the expression on Sage's face. "Don't tell me you are thinking of the gossip and rumours." Sage looked at Gideon and tightened the hold. "They aren't rumours. The juniors and seniors everyone knew about the paranormal activities that happen here."

"Babe, the seniors love to scare the shit out of juniors. They are just made-up stories and they were the ones who loved pranking their classmates and juniors. The culture went on and now, every senior year, kids pick it from their seniors." Sage wasn't convinced. Suddenly, she felt like she had made the wrong mistake by coming out with Gideon when the whole school was happily locked in their rooms.

Gideon placed his hands on Sage's shoulder blades and made her look at him. "Dolci, you have me! I'm right beside you and you will be running with me." Gideon looked at the running tracks. "I always come here at midnight to clear off my thoughts. I know all the things that happen in the darkness here." Sage signed. "Everything is in our minds. If we keep thinking about dark things, it only scares us."

Gideon smirked. "So the unscary Sage is scared of darkness and everything even when someone is beside her?" Sage rolled her eyes at Gideon's smugness. "Yes, I'm a human and I'm scared of such things. Even if someone is right beside me."

"Trust me, once you start running. You wouldn't even think of darkness. You will be happy that you are alone in the darkness. And none around you to disturb you."

Gideon held onto Sage's hand and, without giving a warning, he started running. Sage yelped in surprise, but she knew if she didn't agree to it. Gideon would be making her run one way or the other. They didn't share a word and kept running. Sage tried to control her fear and looked around, imagining something would come out and attack her.

When nothing happened, she started relaxing and tried to concentrate on the feeling. Her hair came out of her messy bun. She wondered where her hair tie fell off on the track, the cool breeze hitting her face made goosebumps arise on her skin.

It was cold, but as they are running, their bodies are warm and the cold breeze is relaxing. Sage hummed, Gideon smiled, watching Sage. He felt her hand and Sage's brows frowned in confusion. "Run by my side."

Sage blinked her eyes, Gideon didn't know how much warmth and meaning his words meant to her. "Clear off whatever is on your mind, dolci. You are all alone with your thoughts and you have to be all alone to sort them off." Gideon gave a smile. "I will run beside you."

Sage gave a smile and nodded her head. They started running without holding hands. Sage looked ahead and thought of everything. Gideon was right, she needed to sort her thoughts and clear them off. True, she had growing feelings for Gideon, but he warned her in the beginning.

He wasn't the one who told her he would love her or he would have any kind of relationship with her. He didn't like the titles nor was she a fan of labels. She didn't even know if she was ready for anything serious. She didn't even have any idea of what she was going to do after high school. She knew about the colleges but she wasn't sure of what stream she needed to go for.

Everyone in her group has picked up the course and is already working on their college applications. She isn't sure of what she wants to do. She wanted to have a talk with her parents but they were busy. She tried having a conversation call with her dad but he couldn't speak with her for the past two minutes.

She gets it, they are busy with their work and home, but why couldn't they spend an hour with her and give her guidance? A heavy sigh left her mouth, she knew why her mind was messed up. She was having a hard time deciding on her stream and the truth that Gideon wouldn't be able to reciprocate the feelings she was growing towards him.

Sage looked at Gideon, who was running with a smile playing on his face. She could say he loved running in the darkness. She cannot expect anything from Gideon when he clearly mentioned it in the beginning. She gulped down the lump and shook her head. She needs to stick to her motto in life. 'Go with the flow and do not expect much from anyone or from any situation.'

She learned a hard way to accept things. It took all of her childhood and teenage years for her grandparents to make her understand. She had pent-up anger in her but it only made her worse. She visibly shook when she remembered the incidents that happened two years ago. How she hurt her grandparents and herself.

She didn't want to go on the road past. But her mind is messing her up. She cannot fall for Gideon and hurt herself. She knew whatever they had right now in between them wasn't anything serious. Nor does she know what being serious means.

She had never felt it in her gut. She never had serious feelings towards anyone and it would be better for her if it stayed the same. She is happy having Gideon beside her without any labels.

"I'm happy having Gideon beside me." She chanted it in her mind. Looking at Gideon, she smiled. She needs to forget about what will happen in the future and rather enjoy the present before her. She cannot ruin her precious senior year in fear of tomorrow. Gideon makes her happy and he is beside her. She has got friends who would do anything to make her happy. She has her grandparents who would support her. She has her parents, despite being busy. They will be there if something serious happens.

She shouldn't fuck up her mind with negativity. She held Gideon's hand and gave it a squeeze. "We need to slow down..."

Gideon's brows frowned in confusion. "Huh?" Sage chuckled. "I'm not much of a runner, Gideon. My mind is clear but my legs are on fire!"

Gideon laughed out loud and Sage joined him. "Thank you," Sage whispered to Gideon. They stopped running, Gideon smiled, pulling Sage into his arms. Sage sighed heavily as she hugged Gideon and hid her face in his warm hoodie. Gideon kissed Sage's head and caressed her hair as he held her close to him.

"You are warm." Gideon laughed. "We just had a run." Sage hummed but didn't pull away from the hug. "Will you be in contact when we leave the high school?"

Gideon didn't immediately reply to her question. With the kind of commitment he is going to have after graduation, he doesn't know if he will be able to be in contact with anyone. He didn't get an answer. "Will you try to be in contact with me even if I can't be in contact with you?"

The question lonely answered Sage's doubts. She didn't try to look at him. "Hmm― I― Do not know. Maybe I will try for a few days if I'm not gonna get any response. I don't think I will be able to try to get in contact with you."

They didn't utter a word. They stayed in each other's warmth. They were lost in their own fears and thoughts. They knew not to ruin their present thinking of the future.

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