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It's 8p.m., everyone gathered in the living room where they're facing in front of the Big Ass TV. They all were in their outwear cuz Wonyoung and Leeseo just arrived and now they're now cuddling with their gfs.

Of course, Liz and Rei were cuddling too. Liz, Rei, Yujin and Wonyoung took all the spaces of the sofa so Gaeul and Leeseo have to sit on the floor. Even though, they don't mind the cold floor, they still hated it.

" So what are we watching?? " Rei asked,gripping on the remote

" Oh, Puss in Book!! " Wonyoung quickly suggested.

" No, Jumanji!! " Yujin suggested.

" Uhh, isn't that 6 years ago?? " Leeseo asked.

" Yea, no offense, Yujin.. But it's just don't suit this generation now " Gaeul said.

" Oh oh, I know!! " the make shouted happily. All heads turned to her.

" Let's watch Wednesday!! "

They all blinked their eyes then nodded at the maknae's suggestion. The pink hair girl pressed the on button on the remote.

Then, Rei took her free arm wrapped around Liz's shoulders. Liz hold Rei's hands that were on her right shoulder. She also smiled like an idiot that had just experienced affection by someone other than the unnies in years.

" Wednesday Addams it is!! " Rei said. They all cuddled up with each other and surrounded by 2 bowls of popcorns, chips, sodas and skittles.

Wonyoung cuddled with Yujin, Liz cuddled with Rei and Gaeul cuddled with Leeseo. They all looked like 3 happy couples, staring at the screen.


" Woah, that was good " Wonyoung said.

" I agree " Yujin replied.

Gaeul yawned then stretched her whole body. " Wait, what time is it?? " the oldest asked.

Liz checked the time on her watch. " Oh wow, it's 10:36 already " she replied.

" Holy Shit!! We outta get you home, baby " Gaeul said, grabbed the maknae's hand lightly then ran to the front door.

" Woah, slow down, unnie. You outta make ur lover fall to the ground " Leeseo said.

" Wait!! U'RE IN A RELATIONSHIP WITH LEESEO-YAH??!! " Rei shouted in shock, a popcorn fell out of her mouth.

" Uh yea, she just confessed to me last night " Leeseo said innocently.

" True, love ya " Gaeul then kissed her nose which caused her to giggle.

" Woah, Congrats!!! " Yujin and Liz said in sync.

" Yea, Good for you, Leeseo-yah " Wonyoung said with a smile.

" But if she hurt you, I'll return the favour for you " Rei threatened the oldest.

" Oh um, don't worry, I won't hurt the little angel " Gaeul said, snuggling her cheek onto the younger's then kissed it.

" Hehe that tickles. Anyways, my dad already divorced with mom so I'm allowed to date Gaeul unnie " Leeseo said then dragged them oldest out of there, leaving the other's dumbfound.

" Yea, we're gonna go too. I'm supposed to sleep in this girl's mansion and cuddle up with her all night " Yujin said, ruffling Wonyoung's hair.

" Yah!! My hair " Wonyoung whined, combing her hair.

" Oh stop, you're still beautiful even if you're messy " Yujin said with a smile.

" Especially when you're under me  on bed " Yujin said with a smirk.

Wonyoung's eyes widened then got dragged out of there by the puppy-like older. Liz got up, picked some wrappers and empty bottles then dumped all that into a large plastic bag.

The younger then walked back to the older who just got up and was stretching her body.

" Oh My God, I'm so Tired And feel so DeaD inside like Wednesday " Rei said, lazily rubbing her eyes while Liz was chuckling.

" Yea, me too. I would go back but I don't have a driver's license soooo "

" Can I stay over here?? " Liz continued her sentence with her puppy eyes.

" Aww of course, baby " Rei said, kissing her forehead then her cheek.

" We can cuddle all night and you gotta look cute in all my outfits for sure " Rei said, dragging Liz upstairs to her room.


" Liz-yah, are almost done?? " Rei asked as she was done showering and standing outside of her own bathroom, waiting for the younger to come out.

Soon, the door opened to reveal the younger looked like a tiny bean in the older's hoodie and her pants.

Rei chuckled then quickly snapped a pic of the younger who covered her beautiful face with her sweater paws.

" Yea, Stoooooop " Liz whined but also giggling. She ran towards Rei then tackled her with a big, adorable hug. They both fell to the ground but luckily they didn't get hurt, especially the phone.

The older chuckled then hugged the younger back tightly. She then let go of the hug which made Liz a bit sad but then the younger got shocked bcuz she's being lifted up by Rei.

The older carried Liz ina bridal style with a smirk on her face then kissed her nose. She then walked back to her room again, still carrying Liz.

She then kicked the door open but  luckily again, the door didn't break and Rei put the younger on the bed. Then, the older closed the door and turned around.

She jumped on the bed then cuddled up with Liz. The younger snuggled her head on the older's neck and the older's right arm wrapped around Liz's shoulders.

" Did you brush ur teeth?? " Rei asked.

" Yea, why?? "

" Good. Cuz if u don't, you're gonna sleep on the floor and go brush ur teeth " Rei said jokingly then her arm got punched lightly by the younger.

" Haha I'm kidding. I won't let my baby sleep on the nasty ass floor " Rei said, squeezing her squishy face then showered Liz with kisses on her face.

Liz got tickled then hid her face on the older's neck. The older giggled then caressed the younger's hair. She kissed her forehead again, tidying her bangs then got up to turn off the lights.

She then covered the younger with her weighted blanket and covered herself with it. She then wrapped her arms around the younger's waist and Liz wrapped her arms around Rei.

" Unnie.. "

" Yes, baby?? "

" I love you "

The older chuckled then closed her eyes. " I love u too " she replied then dozed off.

The younger looked at the sleepy older then she smiled and dozed off.

Notes [ Liz × Rei ] IVE FF✔Where stories live. Discover now