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The pink hair older was now laying on her bed and staring up at the ceiling intensely.

She was still thinking about what her mother just saw what she was bout to do with Liz.

She felt bad for pushing the younger away. But she knew that she can't made the same mistake ever again.

Not after what had happened when Rei was 8. She had that one childhood friend before Wonyoung & Leeseo came along.

Rei felt so happy that she finally had a friend back then. She & that girl were inseparable friends until..... Something came in between the both of them.

Flaskback, 5 years ago:
8 years old Rei and 9 years old Dayeon were playing in the garden. Rei's mother was out for business since she owns the Naoi Industry.

Mrs. Naoi made a collaboration with Dayeon's parents who owned the Kim Industry and they both introduced their children. And that's how Rei and Dayeon became friends for months.

While they both were playing at the garden, they both laid down on the grass and giggled.

Then, Dayeon spotted something that caught her eyes. She nudged Rei's shoulder to get her attention. She succeed at making Rei look at her then she pointed to a cloud that shaped like a heart.

Rei looked at where she was pointing & was stunned.

" Oh My God, it's the most beautiful cloud I've ever saw, unnie!! " Rei smiled.

" Yea but not as pretty as you " Dayeon flirted with Rei. The younger turned to her & her cheeks became red.

Rei smiled and turned away to hide her blush. You see, they both starts to develop feelings for each other but they were kids so they're scaredy cats.

Dayeon noticed that the younger got shy and blushed her flirting skills. So, she grabbed Rei's hand then rushed into Rei's mansion.

The younger was confused on where Dayeon was gonna take her to. Dayeon just ran upstairs to Rei's room.

They both got into her room then Dayeon closed the door. Rei was confused AF.

" Unnie, why are we in my room?? " Rei asked.

Dayeon sighed then turned around to face the younger. She gestured Rei to sit on the bed.

Rei obeyed her then starts on her bed, Dayeon did the same thing. She looked at the bed then at Rei with hope in her eyes.

" Rei-yah, I know we've been friends for months but I think I've kept this feeling long enough so I'm gonna confessed " Dayeon said.

Rei gasped.

" You're A BOy??!! " Rei said in shock.

Dayeon rolled her eyes then chuckled at the younger's stupid assumptions.

" No, you pabo. I like you but not as friends " Dayeon said with a smile.

" As what then?? " Rei asked innocently.

" As a lover " Dayeon said.

Rei then smiled at the older and was happy to hear that Dayeon felt the same way too.

" I love you too, unnie " Rei confessed as well. " Now, can I have a kiss at here?? " Rei pointed at her right cheek.

Dayeon chuckled again then nodded. As she went closer to Rei, she leaned forward then kissed her cheek.

Rei let out a happy giggle as she felt like she was being tickled by kisses.

As Dayeon was kissing her cheek, the door opened to revealed Rei's mother.

" OH NY GOD!! " Mrs. Naoi yelled in shock and anger. Dayeon and Rei immediately turned their heads to the lady.

The lady has an anger expression on her face then marched towards Dayeon then grabbed her hand and dragged her downstairs.

Dayeon was screaming for help as she never seen Mrs. Naoi this mad. Rei was panicking so she followed the both of them downstairs.

Mrs. Naoi opened the front door then pushed Dayeon out of the mansion.

Dayeon was now on the ground, crying for her life.

" Listen you faggot, don't ever come near to my daughter ever again because I'm gonna make your family's life like a living HELL " She said sternly at the crying child.

Rei got there and saw her mother slapped Dayeon's cheek then shut the door harshly. Mrs. Naoi turned around and saw her child standing there.

She walked towards her with her angry-scary looking face. As Rei could even run away, her arm got held by her mother.

She turned her child harshly to make Rei look at her. Rei was now crying as well.

" You also listen here, my dearest child!! I'm gonna make your little friend's life a living hell & after I do that, you'll promised me you'll never fall in love with a girl AGAIN, GOT IT??!! " Mrs. Naoi yelled at her.

Rei cried heavily then nodded as there's nothing she can do but to obey her mother. Mrs. Naoi patted her head then walked to butler to take Dayeon back to the Kim's mansion.

After that day, Rei's mother also sued the Kim Industry which means she got half of their money and Dayeon's parents have to move to another country to start their business all over again.

From that incident, Rei's heart was ruined, Dayeon's parents' reputation were ruined and Rei was left with a heavy heart.

At a young age, Rei had experienced what it's like to lose someone who was special to her and who she loved.

And that incident is also the reason why she starts behaving like a cold-hearted person to others.

End of Flashback:
Rei sighed after thinking about it again, she then turned her head to look at the clock.

11:59 p.m.

The pink older sighed as she laid back down then closed her eyes within a second.

Guess it's back the start then. Rei thought.


It was also 11:59p.m. at Liz's side. Liz glanced at her clock then sighed. She went to the switch, turned off the lights.

The younger walked towards her bed then flopped onto it. She heard her door opened but didn't bother to look who's that.

" Goodnight, Liz-yah " the unnies said in sync.

" Goodnight, unnies " Liz replied with a not so happy tone. She then closed her eyes and rolled over to the right side of the bed.

Gaeul and Yujin looked at each other then looked at Liz. Then, Yujin closed the door slowly, leaving Liz sleeping.

I should ignore her for now on, I guess. Liz thought.

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