Chapter 1

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It has been decades after the Reformation of the world and there had still been no sign of Spyro or Cynder. Sparx had all but given up hope and had gone back to the Dragonfly village where he and his parents mourned Spyro. Cyril, Volteer, and Terrador had kept the hope alive within the ranks of the Guardians even after they turned it into a school for young dragons to learn and master their abilities. However as the years went by the hope was indeed slowly dying however they still sent out a few search parties. One was led by Hunter, there were also three others led by the top three students of Guardian Academy which were Diamond a female earth dragon, Glacier a female ice dragon, and Thunder a male electricity dragon. It also was the last day in which they would be searching. Glacier was exploring an unknown area of the dark forest north of where Sparx and his family lived.

"I swear if we don't find something soon I'm going to slice the first thing I see apart." Said Glacier annoyedly. "For an Ice dragon she sure isn't chill." Whispered one of her search party members. "What was that Abyss!" Snapped Glacier as she looked at the young Shadow dragon. "Nothing!" She squeaked as she shrunk back into one of the others shadows. As they searched for the entire day they were pretty much unable to find anything until they went to begin returning to Warfang. Glacier was going a headcount to make sure she had everyone but she noticed the two she'd sent in the direction of the cave hadn't come back yet. "Ugh let's go retrieve Boulder and Sparky." She said annoyed.

As they went into the cave they instantly felt as if they'd just stepped into the heart of evil as they felt a extremely eery cold chill run through them even the ice dragons found unnerving. "Uh can we leave?" Asked one of the younger dragons. "Uh yeah, Flora and Whirl take the youngest members outside and wait for us, I'm taking Dryad, Hemlock, and Ghoul deeper to find Boulder and Sparky." Said Glacier as the two she mentioned went deeper into the darkness with her. "So what do you think is in here?" Asked Ghoul. "I don't know but it better be worthwhile or those two will be on egg chamber duty for a week." Said Glacier.

As they kept going they eventually heard what sounded like dragons pounding on crystals. "That must be them." Said Hemlock as they began running only to find Boulder and Sparky trying to break open a huge dark purple crystal. "Hey what in the world are you two doing?" Snapped Glacier. Both dragons whirled around. "Glacier, come look at this, there are two dragons stuck in here, we believe they are the ones we are searching for." Said Boulder. "You better be right." Said Glacier as she walked up and took a long glance.

When she finally saw them she did indeed see that these two large dragons matched the general description of who they were supposed to be looking for even if they seemed bigger and older than they'd been told. "Alright let's break them out." Said Glacier. "We've been trying, nothings working." Said Boulder. "Hmm, Hemlock, bring me a fire, wind, and shadow dragon from our group, maybe we need to try combining the eight elements to free them." Said Glacier as she watched the poison dragon run out before eventually returning with the dragons she'd requested.

"Alright guys on three we combine our powers on this spot." Said Glacier as she chiseled a small thin X into the almost impenetrable crystal. "1, 2, 3, Now!" She roared as all 8 dragons fired their most powerful blast at the spot in question for 5 minutes before stopping. As they looked at the results they saw the crystal begin cracking until it shattered into dust leaving behind two large dragons while also causing a earthquake to hit.

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