33- Announcement Arc- Sindria's Prophet

Start from the beginning

I noticed Ja'far walking around the table. He came to stand next to me. "How are you enjoying the celebration, Mx. Prophet?" He smiled while he emphasized my role. Maybe he accepted me more than I thought.

I smiled up at him. "I'm not the type that parties very often, but I am enjoying myself." I raised my now empty cup. "Thank you again for accommodating me."

"Of course. I only wish we knew about your allergies sooner." Ja'far was ever the gracious host. He reminded me of my younger sibling the way he strived to make everyone feel at ease and welcome at events like this.

I gave a look out to the festival, "I was having too much fun," before looking back at him. "There aren't many benches or places to rest, so my legs are a bit tired from walking so much."

"Oh." Ja'far raised one hand to his chin and looked out to the city. "I know we have some accommodations, but I guess we've grown passed what we prepared for."

I nodded. "It's one of the reasons I chose to come back here to eat. That way I could sit down to rest for a while before heading back out."

"If that's the case," Sinbad's voice somehow cut over everyone else's, "you should come sit with me." The entire table went silent when they noticed their King's words. The Womanizer of the Seven Seas was showing me his most charming smile while both his arms were around the waists of the women sitting on each of his legs.

'Is he seriously asking me to join his harem for the evening?'

Masrur commented from the peanut gallery, "Womanizer of the Seven Seas."

Ja'far spoke with the disgust I was feeling, "Just ignore him."

That's what I had been trying to do this whole time but, "If I don't respond to him at all, he's just going to keep bothering me until I do." I spoke quietly so only the General would hear.

"You may be right."

I gave my answer to the King. "I'll pass. There doesn't seem to be any room for me over there anyway."

Sinbad laughed. "What are you talking about?" He guided both women off of his lap, and held out a hand towards me. "You know I'll always make a spot for my Beautiful Prophet." Those dark feelings from earlier started to boil.

Ja'far made a comment about his King's drunken behavior. I could feel all of the eyes on us; I wouldn't be surprised if some were preparing popcorn.

Sinbad narrowed his eyes and softened his smile. "Aren't you the one that's always saying how much you like 'playing' with me?"

Fine. This was fine. If Sinbad wanted to play that game, I'd play. I could twist his words and play with those women instead. They were all wearing the same clothes and jewelry like a uniform, so they were call girls who would flirt with anyone. 'They're just doing their jobs. This is between me and Sinbad.' The waves were following my lead; I would punish Sin directly.
~POV Sinbad~
The buzz Sinbad had going from all the wine he had was nothing compared the pleasure he was going to receive from all of the women surrounding him. Their giggles and praise were a song he had missed for too long while he was in Balbadd. Still, it was a shame he hadn't been able to have fun with his Beautiful Prophet since the party started.

As if the to answer his desires the waves rose and brought Mori with them. His pulse quickened at the sight of her in anticipation of that feeling only she gave him. Yes, what could be better than having his Beautiful Prophet on his lap swooning along side these lovely ladies?

His waves directed Mori towards her King, but she went to the table instead. That was fine; the women on his lap and around him were more than desperate for his attention. Still, the way Mori seemed to refuse to look at him while she chatted with the others only fueled his desire for her more. Mori smiled up at Ja'far while they talked. Was she going to flirt with everyone except him? Not only was Sinbad prime real estate for flirting right now, Mori said he was her favorite. She flirted with him regularly.

Luckily, Mori's words gave him the answer. "...I could sit down to rest for a while before heading back out." She must have just been distracted by conversation while resting.

Meaning it was up to the Womanizer of the Seven Seas to remind her. "If you're looking for a place to rest, you should sit with me." Some of the women around him bemoaned the idea, and some were interested in meeting the Prophet.

Mori exchanged some words with Ja'far before answering. "I'll pass. There doesn't seem to be any room for me over there anyway."

That was an easy enough problem to solve. Sinbad disappointed the women sitting on him by guiding them off of his lap. They were nothing compared to the bigger prize Mori would be when she finally joined him. "What are you talking about?" He beckoned Mori with one hand. "You know I'll always make a spot for my Beautiful Prophet." She didn't respond, but the waves encouraged him to give another push. "Aren't you the one that's always saying how much you like 'playing' with me?"

Mori finally stood up and started making her way towards him. "You're right. I do enjoy having you as a playmate." Her smile was different than the one she normally showed him. Something about it and the way she walked was more provocative.

He had waited all day for this. 'Finally.'

She came right up to her King. The red stone hanging on the chain between her breasts swayed when she stopped. With her chest closer to his eye level, he finally got confirmation of something that caught his eye during the meetings: Mori had a freckle on the inside of her left breast. ((It's actually a scar))

She reached for his outstretched hand and stopped. "Do I have permission to touch you, my King?" Every fiber of his being told him she was talking about more than touching his hand.

"Of course."

She took his hand in her own and intertwined their fingers. "Thank you for your explicit consent." She stepped closer until her legs pressed against his and caused the fabric of his robes to pull. She was taking her sweet time which only raised his expectations. Mori's voice was dark and sweet in a way that demanded his attention. "Now, there's something about this game I apparently need to make clear."

Sinbad squeezed her hand lightly while gazing into her eyes. "Oh? And what's that?" Had his Beautiful Prophet ever looked this hungry for him?

Instead of answering, Mori started leaning over him and he felt the finger tips of her free hand traced his clavicle and slide over his shoulder as they found their way into the hair at the base of his neck. Sinbad's heartbeat quicken at Mori's sudden boldness. Sinbad lifted his free hand, but before he could pull her onto his lap, Mori stopped him. "Uh-uh. I didn't say you could touch me." Why not? -Her breath was on his right cheek. The whisper that followed caused a chill to run along his spine. "There's nothing I'd love more than to play with you and wind you up for the rest of the evening." He'd love that too. "But knowing that it will be one of the ladies here to reap the benefits of my hard work, well, that's just not fair." Mori's quiet voice made the inside of his skull tingle, and his thoughts fuzzy. "I'm actually exceptionally greedy that way, my King."

Sinbad's chest swelled with the feeling that only Mori gave him on top of the lust she was igniting. "Why wouldn't you be the one to reap the benefits?"

Mori let out a quiet sigh that rose his libido higher. Her left hand combed through his hair making his scalp tingle on the outside just as much as it already was on the inside. "You're too drunk to remember, I guess." The disappointment in her voice caused his chest to tighten. What did he forget?

The waves showed Mori leaving. How could he make her stay? "Do I have permission to touch you?" What if he played by her rules?

"Not this time." Mori's left hand pulled a lock of his hair over his shoulder and to her lips as she stood up straight. "I only came over to add a new rule to the game." The nails of Sinbad's free hand pressed into his palm. "I don't care who else you play with, but when you play with me, I expect your undivided attention." She let his hair fall. Her expression was far too calm and collected compared how his own heart was racing.

Mori's actions and words fueled a desire he had never had before. She let go of his hand, and he gave no resistance. He had lost all strength due to his sudden realization.

"Showing me such a cute expression isn't enough to make me stay, my King." What expression was he making? "Heeheehee," Mori's giggle was proof that she knew what she was doing to him. Her next words only rubbed in why she was leaving. "I can see that there are still a few ladies waiting for their turn at your attention," she looked at the women surrounding him, "So I'll have to play with you another time." Mori left her King's side.

Sinbad let Mori go, but only because he couldn't think of how to make her stay. "I look forward to it."

"It's my turn next!"
"Me too! Me too!"

Each of Sinbad's legs were occupied just like he wanted. 'But I...' His hands went to their waists on reflex. This didn't make sense to him -Mori was still right there. '...I don't need their attention...' Mori was leaving down the steps. '...If I have you...' Describing the desire in words shook him to his core. Maybe he was just too drunk. Never before had he wanted to leave behind the guaranteed pleasure of multiple partners, just to keep one person by his side.

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