chapter 23

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"*groans*... My head hurts..." Jericho said as he slowly woke up.

When looking around where he is, only to realize that he's still inside of the escape pod.

Jericho tries to look further on what place is, only to find out he's in the middle of the jungle.

Wondering how he ended up in this place, Jericho remembered that he and the others are on a mission to rescue the general and the other superiors from the planet of Dragons that they're planning to travel to there. They may have landed on this planet, but it didn't turn out well that they expected as they're being attacked by a dragon and ended up being separated.

He brings out his Alpha license and tries to contact them, but to no avail because of the effects of the meteor shower where Jericho sees it from the sky, even during daytime. Realizing that it's not enough from gaining energy from the crystal after it suddenly goes missing.

Jericho opens the escape pod so he can proceed to search for others, but finds out that the escape pod that he's inside is on the lake, floating in the middle of the water.

Before he gets off from there, there's something coming from the bottom of the lake, and it's heading towards Jericho. Which appears to be a huge monster jumping out from the water to get a bite on the escape pod.

Jericho is caught up between its jaws and is about to be crushed when the monster is about to devour the escape pod. So he quickly jumped off to the surface to avoid being eaten alive, then fled as fast as he could to avoid being caught up by the monster.

Once Jericho stops running just to take a breath, however, he hears something. When he turns around to see, a swarm of bugs, which is giant sizes, starts to attack him.

Jericho defends himself from the bugs by using his sword to slay them. Until one of them broke his sword, and more swarms of bugs were coming. One of the bugs tries to attack him, but Jericho counters by giving a kick before fleeing to the woods. But the bugs are still chasing after him, where they break through the trees just to get him.

Then Jericho jumps down from the cliff and slides down on the hill. Once he reaches the bottom, the bugs are still following him all the way.

Before he would face them once again, a giant Venus fly trap appears and devours most of the bugs, causing the rest of the swarm to flee.

When the plant monster begins to notice Jericho by grabbing his legs.

"GRRR... Let go of me!" He tries to struggle to free himself, but it grabs him by his arms and attempts to devour him.

But then,





A shot gun is heard where an incoming gunfire aims to cut the vines off Jericho to free him. Which is Yuri, who came to save him by using her umbrella to shoot bullets.

But when the Venus fly trap attempts to charge for the two, Lee-yu arrives and breathes fire to burn the plant monster to ashes.

"Jericho! Yuri! You're okay! What a relief!" Lee-yu is thrilled to see them.

"I'm glad you're okay as well. But do you know where the others are?" Jericho asked.

"Nope, I haven't seen them," Lee-yu responded.

"Sorry. But I can't use my powers very well. Now that we're stuck on this planet. It's like you said, Lee-yu, the energy crystals can cause superpowers to be unstable." Yuri exclaimed as she was unable to use her powers.

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