chapter 7

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In the spaceship that belongs to MechAmato...

Mechabot is alone in the control room and remains depressed from his loss from his closes ones.

When he looks at the photo on the desk and picks it up to look closer, the red robot sees the picture of Amato and baby BoBoiBoy with him.

When he looks at the photo on the desk and picks it up to look closer, the red robot sees the picture of Amato and baby BoBoiBoy with him

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Causing him to cry and remember about the past when he was still together with them.





Mechabot enters the room, where he sees baby BoBoiBoy in the crib.

While the baby become happy from seeing the red robot visiting him.

This cheerful expression from his master's son makes Mechabot smile out of affectionate. So he tries to make a funny face to make him laugh, which BBB did.

Then, to his surprise, he was caught up by Amato who starts to tease the power sphere if the "destroyer robot" actually has a soft side from the inside.

Which embarrassed Mechabot and tries to tell him to "shut up!" Only to be reminded to not raise a voice in Infront of the baby. While BBB remains cheerful.

End of flashback...




Remembering the loss of BoBoiBoy, while Amato is still nowhere to be found, causes Mechabot to feel completely distraught.

So he starts to cry out, "I Missed You!!!"





"Hey... Wake Up!!!"




Jericho's eyes start to open as he starts to wake up after hearing a voice.

Then, he sees the same girl wearing a hijab standing in front of him.

"You! Your that girl who attacked us!" He becomes angry for her actions.

Only he finds himself hanging over as both hands are being chained. And realized that he's in the slammer, while the girl in front of the white-haired boy is outside of it.

"Where am I?! Where are the others?!"

"They're with you."

He notices that the others are with him as well.

"Guys! Guys! Wake up!"

Jericho tries to wake them up.

Sukar: huh... Jericho...?

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