Chapter 3: The Underworld of Atheria

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In the heart of the royal palace, a grand testament to the kingdom's power and history, a man of great authority sat behind a large oak desk.

He was a figure of noble bearing, his age evident in the silver streaks that peppered his once raven hair. Yet, his eyes were a stunning amethyst purple, a unique trait of the royal lineage.

The crown upon his head, intricately crafted with jewels reflecting the flickering candlelight, signaled his supreme rule.

Papers were strewn across the surface, forming organized chaos that mirrored the busyness of his mind.

The room hummed with the scratching of a quill on parchment, the only sound breaking the silence of the late evening.

The flickering light of candles revealed lines of weariness etched upon his face, evidence of countless sleepless nights spent in service of his duties.

In the midst of his focused concentration, a sudden knock echoed through the chamber.

Startled, his head snapped up, his gaze fixed on the closed chamber door. A furrow formed on his brow as he pondered the identity of the visitor who dared to disturb his solitude.


He called out, his voice carrying a subtle hint of irritation.

"Your majesty, apologies for the intrusion"


The door opened smoothly, revealing a figure standing in the threshold. It was a duke's retainer named Edric, clad in a simple uniform, he entered the room with his breath slightly labored as he knelt before the King.

"No... you need not apologize, I didn't realize it's that time already"

With a raise of a hand, a simple gesture that carries the weight of his position. Edric straightens his posture, allowing him to meet the king's gaze.

"I'm here to update you on the current situation in the underworld, Your Majesty"

The king's eyebrows furrow heavily.

"Go on"

"As you wish"

Taking a deep breath, Edric, the duke's retainer, began to brief the king as a usual routine.

"So far, our faction has been successful in establishing connections within the underworld, smoothly progressing towards our goals."

"However... just as of recently, we've encountered some setbacks"

With the brief pause, tension in the room grew, however, the king remained firm, his posture unwavering and his eyes locked onto Edric.

"Several key figures of the underworld have unexpectedly withdrawn their allegiance, expressing their opposition to Your Majesty's plans for reform."

"We're not entirely sure of the reason for their sudden change, but most of our members agree that the anti-royal faction is behind it."

The King's eyebrows rose slightly.

"So they've made their move"

The king, after listening to the briefing, couldn't help but let out a sigh.

"How unexpected... I had underestimated their capabilities. It seems they are more than just narrow-minded opponents"

"Apparently so, Your Majesty, as for the scheduled passing of the decree, unfortunately, it might face greater opposition now with the withdrawal of some key figures from the underworld. For that, I suggest that we-

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